Clarify outage Saturday (07/26/03, 7:30-11 AM)
Posted: 2003-07-24 09:43:51 Expiration: 2003-07-26 20:00:00
Clarify will be unavailable on Saturday (07/26/03, 7:30-11 AM) while the system is being moved to a new server. The actual outage is expected to be much shorter. Victor_S (VRS) will notify the Help Desk when it is complete.
The production Clarify server is being moved this Saturday (06/26/03, 7:30-11 AM). The actual outage is anticipated to be much less than the maintenance window. Victor (VRS) will notify the Help Desk when this operation is complete.
Victor Scherer, Bob Gantzer, Dave Ruhde, Todd Neidinger will be available during this outage. Bob will be in charge of the Clarify change details, Victor will be monitoring the processes, Dave will handle the DB operations, and Todd will keep watch for operating system problems.
-- CIS #25697