News and Announcements

Campus Voice Mail Unavailable Saturday and Sunday (08/14/04 - 08/15/04)

Posted: 2004-08-12 18:00:00   Expiration: 2004-08-13 18:00:00

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2004-08-12 18:00:00. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

Campus voice mail will be unavailable through Saturday night until sometime Sunday. Techs are awaiting the arrival of parts being flown in. Callers will not be able to leave messages and subscribers will not be able to access voice mail.

The campus voice mail system is getting a hardware upgrade and will be unavailable through Saturday night until sometime Sunday. UPDATE - techs are awaiting the arrival of parts being flown in. During this outage, callers will not be able to leave voice mail messages and subscribers will not be able to access voice mail. Existing messages, greetings and voice mail settings should not be affected by this upgrade and will be available after the upgrade is complete.

This hardware upgrade and the earlier software upgrade are in preparation for a new unified messaging service DoIT is preparing to offer to campus. More information regarding this new service will be available later this fall.

Any questions should be directed to Terri Kopish, or 262-8374.

-- Brian Rust, DoIT Communications