Microsoft 365 - Manage/view Group Settings/Parameters

As an owner of a Group, you have the ability to manage/view many of the settings/parameters for the group using the Wisc Account Administration site. Some of these settings can also be managed via Outlook on the web. This article provides steps for Wisc Account Administration site.

Manage a Group

Note: You must be the owner of the Group to manage/view these settings.

  1. Log into the Wisc Account Administration website.
  2. Select "My Account".
  3. Select "Office 365 | Groups'".
  4. Find the group you want to manage.
  5. Click Administer Group.

    If Administer Group selection is not available:

    1. Click Check Ownership.
    2. Click Enable Advanced Administration.
    3. click Administer Group.

Manage/view the desired setting/parameter.


  • External addresses, ones that are not hosted within our Microsoft 365 tenant, cannot be added via this tool. You must use Outlook/Teams client to add external members to the Group/Team.
  • When adding a list of members, you can use any combination of spaces, new lines, commas, semi-colons, tabs to separate the members you want to add. We recommend using the complete email address of the account you are adding -,,

Advanced Administration Options


  • You must be an owner of the group to manage any of the settings below.
  • If you have not enabled advanced administration for the Group, you will not be able to complete the steps below. See Manage/View Group Settings/Parameters on how to enable advanced administration.

Adding an alias/alternate email address:

    1. Log into the

    2. Enter your NetID credentials

    3. Select Delegated Administration

    4. Select a domain that you have administrative rights to

      • If you do not see the option to select a domain (ex:, you do not have administrative rights to one

      • You will need to contact the DoIT Help Desk or your IT department for further assistance

    5. Select Add Alternate Address

      • Account to Add Address To: Enter your Microsoft 365 Group's email address (ex:

      • New Alternate Address: Enter your preferred alternate email name (ex: buckyacademics)

    6. Select Add Alternate Address

      Important: If you received an error adding the alternate address, make sure you have 'Enabled Advanced Administration' as listed at the top of the article.

    7. Search for your Microsoft 365 Group email address (ex: in the search field

    8. Select Email Addresses

    9. Select Set Primary next to the newly created alternate email address

    10. Done

Note: If your newly created alternate email address does not appear right away for your Microsoft 365 Group, try opening a new private browser session and search for your Microsoft 365 Group using the group's email address. Then select the Email Addresses option and try to select the alternate email address as the primary again.

Managing sending to / send as / send on-behalf of permissions:

    1. Log into the

    2. If prompted, enter your NetID credentials

    3. Search for your Microsoft 365 Group email address (ex: in the search field

    4. Select Sending Permissions

    5. Modify the desired sending permissions

sending permissions for groups

      • Add Allowed Sender(s) to: By default, all users in our tenant are capable of sending to a group. By adding a single entry to "Allowed Senders", you are effectively changing the permission to a "whitelist". The only accounts allowed to send to the group will be those included in the Allowed Senders list. In other words, if you want to prevent non-members from sending to a group, simply add the group itself as the only Allowed Sender. To revert back to the "everyone is allowed" setting, just remove all allowed senders.

      • Internal Senders Only: This is a view-only setting that corresponds to the checkbox in Outlook on the web labeled "Let people outside the organization email the group", where "Internal Senders Only: Yes" is the equivalent of leaving that box unchecked.

      • Add Allowed Send As: This will allow these users to send-as the group. See Microsoft 365 (Outlook on the web | Outlook for Windows/Mac) - Send as or Send on-behalf of another account. Note: only individual addresses can be added.

      • Add Allowed Send on Behalf: This will allow these users to send-on behalf the group. See Microsoft 365 (Outlook on the web | Outlook for Windows/Mac) - Send as or Send on-behalf of another account. Note: only individual addresses can be added.

        It may take up to 60 minutes for the change to be reflected within Microsoft 365.

Note: When using Outlook on the web, for users having the "Send As" permission for specific Microsoft 365 groups, when they compose, reply, reply all and forward mail from Group mailbox then the default "From" address populated would be Group id (email address) instead of their individual address. This change will affect only when users are inside a Group mailbox where they have send-as (or send on-behalf) permissions. There will be no changes in behaviors in the personal/individual mailbox.


microsoft ms office365 o365 m365 microsoft 365 groups teams lists distribution manage administer administration managing collaboration members owners GAL global address list hidden visible status Remove alternate addresses change primary adding allowed senders users send as send-as sendas send on behalf of sendon send-on onbehalf on-behalf View email address type creation time timestamp enabled for advanced administration ownership description visibility membership internal senders only setting bulk sending permissions View add members owners Modify GAL visibility remove allowed senders users send as send-as behalf of behalf-of alternate addresses change primary email type creation time timestamp enabled for advanced administration description visibility membership hidden status internal senders only setting alumni 
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O365 S. in Microsoft 365
DoIT Help Desk, DoIT Staff, Microsoft 365