Topics Map > Payroll

Computer Sciences - Payroll: Rates - Fringe Rates, FY23

This document provides information on the fiscal year 2023 fringe rates as assigned by UW Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP).
Table of Fringe Rates
Position Type Fringe Rate
Regular Faculty and Academic Staff 36.6%
Regular University Staff/Classified 36.6%
Research Associates and Grad Interns 22.0%
Research Assistants, Project Assistants, Teaching Assistants, Pre-Doc Fellows and/or Trainees 21.7%
Post-Doc Fellows and/or Trainees 12.6%
Limited Term Employees (LTEs) 10.0%
Ad Hoc Program Specialists, Undergraduate Assistants and Undergraduate Interns 7.1%
Student Hourly Employees 1.8%

For further information on the fringe rates, including components in these rates, see the RSP Fringe Rate page.


If you have questions about these fringe rates, please contact Lance Potter.

Keywordscomputer sciences cs comp sci human resources fringe rates staff   Doc ID78467
OwnerLance P.GroupComp Sci
Created2017-11-30 14:03:26Updated2023-01-17 10:03:53
SitesDepartment of Computer Sciences
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