Topics Map > Payroll

Computer Sciences - Payroll: Rates - Peer Mentor Rates

This document provides information on the CS Department peer mentor program and rates.

The CS Department hires undergraduate peer mentors to work along-side their direct undergraduate colleagues in CS programs and courses.

The Department has peer mentors who are related to the Learning Center, related to the Wisconsin Emerging Scholars-Computer Sciences (WES-CS), and for individual, high-demand CS courses. Per department policy, only undergraduate students seeking a degree from UW-Madison are eligible for WES-CS peer mentor positions for peer mentor positions in individual courses.

Peer mentors hired for CS courses will be on the following pay schedule:

Starting Rate: $17.00 per hour.

After 2 semesters of experience OR completed CS 502: $18.00 per hour. 


If you have questions about these rates, please contact CS Hiring.

Keywordscomputer sciences cs comp sci human resources rates staff peer mentors student hourlies   Doc ID78832
OwnerLance P.GroupComp Sci
Created2017-12-19 11:04:13Updated2023-12-08 17:05:50
SitesDepartment of Computer Sciences
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