Topics Map > Payroll
Computer Sciences - Payroll: Rates - Peer Mentor Rates
This document provides information on the CS Department peer mentor program and rates.
The CS Department hires undergraduate peer mentors to work along-side their direct undergraduate colleagues in CS programs and courses.
The Department has peer mentors who are related to the Learning Center, related to the Wisconsin Emerging Scholars-Computer Sciences (WES-CS), and for individual, high-demand CS courses. Per department policy, only undergraduate students seeking a degree from UW-Madison are eligible for WES-CS peer mentor positions for peer mentor positions in individual courses.
Peer mentors hired for CS courses will be on the following pay schedule:
Starting Rate: $17.00 per hour.
After 2 semesters of experience OR completed CS 502: $18.00 per hour.
If you have questions about these rates, please contact CS Hiring.