Topics Map > Human Resources
Topics Map > Onboarding

Computer Sciences - Human Resources - Preventing Sexual Harassment and Violence Training

This document contains information on mandatory employee training for all faculty, academic staff, university staff, limited appointees, and temporary employees, and suggested training for students.

Employee Mandatory Preventing Harassment/Violence Training

All UW-Madison employees who receive a paycheck are required to complete the “Preventing Sexual Harassment/Sexual Violence Employee Training."

A list of FAQs and link to register for the training can be found here:

  • This training requires a UW NetID and is administered through the Desire to Learn (D2L) web portal. See KB link below for login information.
  • The training is about 60 minutes in length and requires audio.
  • This training will need to be renewed every three years.

University Health Services Violence Prevention Training for Students

Students are encouraged to take this training:


If you have questions about this training, contact Lance Potter.

computer sciences cs comp sci human resources preventing sexual harassment violence work place mandatory training 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Lance P. in Comp Sci
Department of Computer Sciences