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Computer Sciences - Building Smart Restart

Details on building access in the current UW-Madison Smart Restart.

This document is for updated building access in Computer Sciences. It will be updated continually as new information arises. For classrooms and in-person teaching please consult L&S and campus guidance.

Safer Badgers App

Effective February 10, 2021, faculty, staff, and students working on campus or using campus facilities will be required to test regularly. Proof of recent negative test results will be needed in order to access campus facilities and services. A free, easy-to-use mobile app called Safer Badgers will help employees and others schedule tests, quickly obtain test results, and access additional health resources.

Access to the building

Building access will be limited during the Safer Badgers program.  The CS Building has been designated a "Tier 3" building, which means that Safer Badgers Wellness Ambassadors will check building entrances at various times throughout the week. These times will be unannounced, but they will be in four-hour shifts. The Wellness Ambassadors will be only at the Orchard Street and Dayton Street entrances.  All other building entrances will be locked at all times.  All staff must enter the building through the two monitored entrances.

It is assumed only the first floor and classroom spaces are open to the students and public until further notice. Levels 2-7 in the CS Tower (Unit 3) will have the stairwell doors unlocked in open hours, the CS Tower elevators will remain closed with Wiscard Access only. You will see Authorized Personnel Only signs in stairwell and elevator.

To get access to your office you must register and be approved via this application: Computer Sciences Building Access. (Opens CS Marauder Map.)
  • To request access to an office in CS go to the link above. Set the location (e.g., 7357), Unit (2 or 3, tower), and date/time of your request. Enter your request and submit it. You will either receive automatic approval or you have to request approval, depending on your request. Some requests are automatically approved; others may require explicit approval and thus you should plan ahead. Also, note the approval process is manual and may not be monitored on nights and weekends. 
  • The CS spaces are limited to 1 person per room (except for a few special cases) and 10 people per floor. 
  • Click to request approval if you need to. Once your request has been attended to, an email tells you whether the request has been approved or denied. In case of a denial, the email gives a reason. If your request is denied, it turns red in the schedule view. Then please click on it to either delete it or edit it.
  • If you decide not to use an approved time slot or a portion of it in a shared office, please click on it to delete it or reduce it to make time available to others. If you try to extend an already approved request, the system will ask you to delete it and make a new request.
  • Once you have checked into your office, quick visits around CS (restrooms, office supplies, printer corners) do not have to be recorded separately.

Covid Precautions

Before coming in, please complete COVID training here: Symptom tracking information is available: Please do not come in if you are experiencing any symptoms.

While in the building, please wear a mask at all times (except behind a closed door in your private office), and observe 6-foot distancing at all times in shared spaces. Minimize chance encounters in the hallways by not lingering and by checking the hallway before entering and allowing it to empty before going through. Frequent hand-washing is also encouraged.

Common spaces

Meeting rooms and lounge spaces in CS remain closed.


Custodial staff concentrates on cleaning classrooms, hallways and bathrooms. They do not go into offices or departmental spaces such as seminar or meeting rooms.


Restrooms in the tower (levels 2-9) are restricted to single occupancy. Hand washing signs are found in each restroom.

Getting assistance

The 5th floor Administrative and Advising Staff presence is greatly reduced. Starting August 24, 2020, Gigi Mitchell and Lance Potter will come to their offices with some regularity. If you need help, send an email or make a phone call. Mitchell can help you with office supplies. Advising and meeting of students is generally supposed to happen online.

IT Support

CSL staff are all working remotely, except for critical situations that require on-campus work. Non-critical work such as office computer reboots and repairs will most likely not have immediate response, depending on staff on-campus schedules.

The CSL office (2350 CS) is closed. There will be no walk-in support.

Please continue to contact the CSL at for any IT problems, requests, or questions.

Students in classrooms

The online tool ( shows all the classes scheduled in CS, including the name of the instructor, the room, and number of students. As of this writing, classes in CS are scheduled in all first floor classrooms. Signs will guide students to stay away from CS levels 2-7. Advising and meeting of students is supposed to happen online.

No in-person meetings are currently taking place due to campus guidelines.


Please contact if you have questions about this KB page.

Keywordscomputer sciences cs comp sci computing COVID 19 building response   Doc ID94453
OwnerLance P.GroupComp Sci
Created2019-09-12 12:00:27Updated2021-02-03 15:12:47
SitesDepartment of Computer Sciences
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