Activity 1: Terms and Concepts

Instructions: Below is a list of words found in the pre-assigned reading (von Keyserlingk et al., (2013) that were selected by Michel for their importance and relevance to our class discussion.  Please open the pdf of the reading and search for these words in the text. Look for their definitions in our own glossaries or other “reputable" glossaries you may find on the web.  Be prepared to explain the significance of these terms to the rest of the class.
  • Dairy-related terms:
    1. Tail-docking
    2. Bulk tank
    3. Volatile organic acids vs. volatile organic compounds (VOC)
    4. Forage (silage vs. hay vs. pasture vs. grass) vs. concentrates (energy vs. protein vs. mineral supplements) vs. by-product feed (wheat bran, distiller's grain, etc.)
    5. Nutrient management
    6. Animal health vs. animal welfare (well-being)
  • Policy-related terms:
    1. Technology treadmill
    2. Cap and trade
    3. Trade barriers and tariffs
    4. Scale-neutral technology
  • Research-related terms:
    1. Meta-analysis
    2. disciplinary vs. multi-disciplinary vs. trans-disciplinary vs. transformative research
    3. Consumer attitude survey
    4. Life cycle analysis

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Michel W. in Food Production Systems &
DS 471 Food Production Systems and Sustainability