"Mexico Seminar" Archives

This page provides a list of web resources categorized by the weekly discussion topics in the "Mexico Seminar," which was the course that Dr. Wattiaux taught to focus specifically on the Mexican (dairy) agriculture and the relationship between Mexico and the USA.
Wk Date Theme
Part I - Worldwide Overview of Population, Food, Livestock Agriculture, and Trade
1 -- Introduction to the Seminar
2 -- World Population, Migration, Food and Environment
3 -- Environmental Impacts of Human Consumption and Populations
4 -- Changing Global Food Demands — "The Livestock Revolution"
5 -- Livestock Around the World: Livestock Revolution "at the ground level"
6 -- The Global Trade Game
7 -- Midterm
8 -- Midterm
-- Spring Break
Part II - Mexico - U.S. Agricultural Relations: Immigration and Trade
9 -- US - Mexico Trade: The Corn Stories
10 -- Introduction to Immigration Issues
11 -- Stories of Mexican Immigrant Workers on Dairy farms
Part III - Mexican Dairy Industry and Its Relations with the U.S. and Other Neighbors
12 -- Mexico's Dairy Industry — U.S. Perspectives
13 -- Mexico's Dairy Industry — Dairy as an Opportunity for Small-holders
14 -- Mexico's Dairy Industry — Trends, Challenges and Sustainability
15 -- Last Day of Class Review and Wrap-up
-- Take-home Final Exam Due at 5:00 pm in the dropbox

Additional Resources: Course Introduction

Additional Resources — Wk 02 — World Population, Migration, Food and Environment
  • In spite of the fact that people live longer, child mortality in the world remains a huge problem. Did you know that: Each minute 21 children under the age of five die every day (i.e., 11 million per year), mainly from preventable causes. (see more the UNICEF web site).

  • Despite its status as a developed country, the United States does not rank high on the child mortality scale. The United States ranked 28th in the world in infant mortality in 1998 but 37th today (see country ranking here). This "poor" ranking is due in large part to disparities which continue to exist among various racial and ethnic groups in this country, particularly African Americans. (see more at the Center for Disease control (CDC) web site.

  • For changes in infant mortality from 1960 to 2002 across countries, see this UNICEF link or this alternate UNICEF link.

Additional Resources — Wk 03 — Environmental Impacts of Human Consumption and Populations
  • Food Production, Consumption and Trade Worldwide: Time series data for a long list of food products, natural resources, labor, level of mechanization, crop, fertilizer use and so forth are available by country, regions of the world and the whole world at the FAO STAT Database
  • For production statistics: crops, live animals, value of agricultural production and more, click here
  • For trade of crops and livestock products, click here
  • For consumption of crops products, click here and for livestock products, click here
  • And there is a lot more, so don't be afraid to explore on your own.

  • Here is a good article on the U.S. Agricultural Exports, Imports, and the Trade Balance between 1998 and 2008 (Article from the Encyclopedia of Earth).
  • Sustainability of Farming Systems:
    The Myth of Sustainable Meat is by New York Time OP-ED contributor James. E. McWilliams. The author argues that industrial farms are bad, but small local farms are no solution.

Additional Resources — Wk 04 — Changing Global Food Demands — "The Livestock Revolution"
  • Livestock Agriculture: The impact of the livestock industry on the environment at a global scale has been the subject of a recent FAO publication: Livestock’s Long Shadow. The publication (which was the subject of a New Times Editorial) makes clear that our health and the health of the planet depend on pushing livestock production in more sustainable directions. You can download a pdf of the Executive Summary. If you read the editorial, notice how for the sake of brevity, over-generalization becomes a danger!

  • Read this interesting article from the Wall Street Journal (September 18, 2009) highlithign the imprecision of the current methods to estimate Carbon Foot Print of any consumer product. This article focuses on the carbon foot print of a gallon of milk: Hate Calculus? Try Counting Cow Carbon.

  • Could climate change be fixed by planting more trees? The December 19, 2009 New York Times Op-Ed contribution of Emertius Professor Bernd Heinrich (university of Vermont) titled: Clear-Cutting the Truth About Trees raises interesting questions about tree farms versus forest ecosystems.

  • Ranganathan, J. and G. Hanson. 2011. A New Approach to Feeding the World. Solutions for a Sustainable and desirable Future. 2(5):26-30. With population expected to reach 9 billion by 2050 and widespread degradation of agricultural lands, we need a new approach to food production—one that feeds more people with less ecological impact. The authors outline three ways we can reform our food system, and feed more with less.

  • If you're interested in food insecurity globally, you might be interested in checking out some materials about a conference entitle "Food Security under a Changing Climate" that took place in London, in March 2012. Of particular interest might be the schedule, the summary report, or the final report.

  • The Amerian Society of Animal Sciences (ASAS) has produce a series on the contribution of Animal Sciences to support global food security See Part I: The Coming Food Crisis, Part II: Feed Efficiency and Utilization of Resources, Part III: Increase Livestock Production Through Animal Breeding and Technology, Part IV: How the study of disease that affect food animals may contribute to global food production 

Additional Resources — Wk 05 — Additional Resources: Livestock Around the World: Livestock Revolution "at the ground level"
  • Food and Hunger:The Food Chain is a series of articles from the New York Times examining growing demands and changes in the world food production, processing and marketing. Here is an article in the series: Hoarding Nations Drive Food Costs Ever Higher (June 30, 2008).

  • What do U.S. agricultural trade organizations, such as the U.S. Grain Councils, say about feeding a "hungry world"? See this news release titled U.S. Farmers Help Curb Global Hunger (July 22, 2009).

  • Beyond news papers articles, here is a series of Food Price Studies from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

  • What is like to work as a professor involved in "international" agriculture? Click here to Listen to the perspective of an agricultural economist, Tim Dalton, from Kansas State who has been working on issues of food production in Africa.

  • You may wonder about Hunger in the United States:
    • Click here to learn about it from the Food Research Action Center (FRAC). The site includes statistics on hunger in the U.S. and federal programs to address hunger (Food stamp, National School Lunch Program, Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, infants and Children (WIC)).

    • You may also download this mp3 file file of a 15 min. segment of the Jim Lehrer News Hour brodcasted on Thanksgiving day 2008. After a report on how food banks are faring this holiday season amid the economic downturn, analysts discuss a new rise in the number of Americans relying on food stamps.

    • Formerly named America’s Second Harvest, Feeding America (National Association of Food Bank) is the nation's leading domestic hunger-relief charity. Each year, the Feeding America network provides food assistance to more than 25 million low-income people facing hunger in the United States, including more than 9 million children and nearly 3 million seniors.

  • Did the U.S. and European policy makers understand the consequences of their decision to use corn for Ethanol Production? The Food Crisis: What Happened and What Should Be Done? is a 2 hour long seminar organized by the International Monetary Fund (IMF)-World Bank (WB) Program of Seminars (webcast of Friday, October 10, 2008). The discussion panel includes guest speakers from Latin America (Brazil), Asia and Africa as well as the Chairman of Nestlé, the largest international food company in the world; This revealing seminar is moderated by Joachim von Braun, Director General, International Food Policy Research Institute, United States.

  • Do you know that the ancestor of modern corn, called "teocintle" in Náhuatl (the language of the Aztecs) has been grown since more that 2500 years before Christ? (Click here for a related newspaper article in Spanish).

Additional Resources — Wk 06 — The Global Trade Game

Additional Resources — Wk 09 — U.S. - Mexico Trade: The Corn Stories

Canada - U.S. - Mexico Basic Statisitics:
  • Please visit the following pages for Population, GDP, Trade Balance and other economic indicators for Canada, México and the United States. -- A interactive web site full of economics related statistics; Make sure to pay attention to the indicators listed on the right hand side module (column) of links.
México - U.S. Ties:
  • Follow the following links to learn about the México U.S. relation, how the great depression of 2009 has highlighted our "interdependence" with each other, and how the press presents our relations with México.

  • Here is another example of ties between Mexico and the U.S. Watch this PBS News hour segment (Dec. 28, 2009) titled: Retirees Flock to Mexico for the Sun and the Health Care. The video describes how thousands of Americans are increasingly traveling to resort towns like Puerto Vallarta, in Mexico, not for vacation, but for the cheap health care. In many cases, reports Ray Suarez, for care they couldn't afford in the United States.

Additional Resources — Wk 10 — Additional Resources: Introduction to Immigration Issues

Additional Resources — Wk 11 — Stories of Mexican Immigrant Workers on Dairy farms

Additional Resources — Wk 12 — Mexico's Dairy Industry — U.S. Perspectives

Additional Resources — Wk 13 — Mexico's Dairy Industry — Dairy as an Opportunity for Small-holders
  • U.S. Dairy and Meat Export To Mexico
  • To get some reference points and real numbers, the U.S. Dairy Export Council provides data on U.S. dairy export to Mexico (download and read the 2007 annual report of gain an idea of the changes in our dairy export to Mexico in the last few years). Also, look at this press release from the U.S. Meat Export Federation for some statistics on U.S. meat export to Mexico. If you wish, you can view a video presentation on the World's Changing Views of U.S. Animal Agriculture as per the U.S. Meat Export Federation.

Additional Resources — Wk 14 — Mexico's Dairy Industry — Trends, Challenges and Sustainability
  • In March 2008-Officials from the United States, Canada and Mexico concluded a series of meetings that provided all three countries an opportunity to discuss issues of mutual concern affecting agriculture, food and trade. Officials from the three countries announced protocols, effective March 28, 2008, to harmonize standards for the export of U.S. and Canadian breeding cattle to Mexico consistent with international standards. Click here for more details.

Additional Resources — Wk 15 — Last Day of Class Review and Wrap-Up
Mexico: The Country and its Cultures: Study Tour Preparation

The U.S. Department of State is an excellent source of background information about Mexico (people, history, government, political situation, economy, relation with the U.S.). In addition, the site provides links to the U.S. Embassy in Mexico, the State Department travel registration and a list of contact information of consular offices in Mexico. Click here to access this web site.

The Wikipedia Encyclopedia provides a series of articles on the toponymy, geography, history, economy, culture, demography, education, science and technology, and other topics. In addition, the site includes links to each state and major cities in each state. The web site is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexico

The Public Broadcast Service (PBS) has an interactive site on the U.S. - Mexican war of 1846-1848. The interactive web site is really worth a look — Very well done!

The Library of Congress Mexico: A Country Study by Tim L. Merrill and Ramón Miró, editors. provide a scholarly source of information on a very wide array of topics.

KeywordsAdditional Web Resources   Doc ID59922
OwnerMichel W.GroupAnimal Agriculture &
Sustainable Develop.
Created2016-01-20 14:09:04Updated2020-03-27 18:30:04
SitesDS 472 Agriculture Sustainable Development
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