The Flow of Water

Hiroko Yoshida was a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison when she attended the field study course in Mexico. Her master's degree is in Water Resources Management. Yoshi collaborated with Professor Pete Nowak of the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to develop a plan for a curriculum project. Yoshi developed this curriculum to teach about the flow of water through a variety of uses and places that the group visited during the field study course.

Yoshi's curriculum is available as a PowerPoint presentation. The curriculum is available The Flow of Water.

KeywordsA Curriculum for High School Students
by Hiroko Yoshida ("Yoshi")
Doc ID56703
OwnerAntonio A.GroupDS 473 Field Study Abroad
Created2015-09-23 23:04:05Updated2015-09-23 23:06:12
SitesDS 473 Field Study Abroad
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