2018 Microteaching Project Guidelines

Objectives | Short Description | Teams and Topics | Timelines and Deadlines | Schedule and Materials.
Learning Objectives of this Project: This end-of-semester project has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to engage in the process of preparing and delivering a discussion-based class on a topic of your interest.

Short Description: The topic of the class shall be a classroom teaching and learning topic that we have covered in class or a closely related topic that you would like to explore further. You will identify topics, search for relevant educational material, develop a lesson plan (which means define the learning objectives, educational materials, classroom activities, and (optional) mode of assessment) and implement your lesson plan in a 35 minute class. You and your teammate(s) will be the course instructor(s) whereas your classmates (and your course instructor) will be your students. 

2016 Teams and Topics
Team Date Team Members Short Topic Description
Team A 11/30 -  &  - - Topic tbd -
Team B 11/30 - &  - Topic tbd -
Team C 11/30 - & - Topic tbd -
Team D 12/07 - & -  Topic tbd -
Team E 12/07 - & - - Topic tbd -
Team F 12/07 - & - Topic tbd -

Project Timeline and Deadlines: Below are the three main steps of the project with their own deadlines.
  • Step 1 - Topics selection and team formation: Deadline Fri. Nov 16, 10:00 am
    • Brainstorm for one or more topics of interest. For ideas, see previous years microteaching projects : 2017, 2016, 2015, 2013, 2012, and 2010
    • Do an initial library database search for relevant literature and/or educational material (optional; see below for details);
    • Share at least one micro-teaching project idea with your classmates and instructor using the Blog your Micro-teaching ideas page.

  • Step 2 - Design a lesson plan for a 35-min. class: Deadlines are as follows: Monday Nov. 26 for micro-teaching presentations of Nov. 30 and Monday Dec. 3 for micro-teaching presentations of Dec. 07. 
    • This is an iterative process between identifying a learning objective and selecting educational (resource) material. To engage in this process, get familiar with educational databases and other electronic resources; read paper(s), view online materials and decide what would be relevant as pre-class assignment for your students:
    • Manage your time so that you search these resources in multiple sessions using different databases and different keywords or descriptors;
    • Select the educational material for the pre-class assignment. Try to identify a few (at the most two or three) main messages or BIG IDEA(S) that you believe everybody should take away from your micro-teaching unit. What pre-class assignement educational material will help you (and your students) get there? Please select short and concise pre-class assignment materials because most students will have to prepare for multiple micro teaching sessions the day of your presentation;
    • Write a short set of instructions describing what exactly you want your students to do before class;
    • Email pre-class assignment materials (pdf, ppt, excel, etc.) and specific instructions (written as a word document) to your instructor so the material can be posted on the course website giving the rest of the class at least 4-5 days to complete the pre-class assignment before class.

  • Step 3 - Prepare for the 35-min. classroom interaction with your students: Friday Nov. 30 10:00 am (Teams A, B, and C) and Friday Dec. 07 10:00 am (Teams D, E, and F)
    • What will you do in class to reach your pedagogical objectives? What will you do in class to complement the pre-class assignment? Classroom time should be structured in anyway you see fit to maximize effectiveness of your discussion-based teaching. Examples of what you may elect to do include:
      • A handout highlighting micro-teaching unit goal(s) and instruction(s) for class activities;
      • View or review electronic resources (web-pages, You-Tube videos, etc.) as an introduction to class discussion;
      • Plan for individual, pair, small groups or whole-class discussion activities (feel free to review the best practices in facilitating a discussion);
      • Invite a panel of guests to provide a "real-life" perspective of the subject of discussion.
    • The class will review your pre-class assignement materials and follow your instructions (unless specified otherwise, the default will be the usual blog entries with the usual Thursday 9:00 pm deadline).

Schedule and Materials
Pd Date Modules and Topics Class Blogs
11 F. 11/30 Microteaching: Team A  Pre A Post A
Microteaching: Team B  Pre B Post B
Microteaching: Team C  Pre C Post C
12 F. 12/07 Microteaching: Team D  Pre D Post D
Microteaching: Team E  Pre E Post E
Microteaching: Team F  Pre F Post F

Wk 11 - 11/30 - Team A | Team B | Team C

Team A Required Reading:  tba | Instructions: tba.

Optional readings: tbd

Team B Required Reading:  tba  | Instructions: tba.

Optional reading: tbd

Team C Required Readings  tba | Instructions: tba.

Optional reading:

Wk 12 - 12/07 - Team D | Team E | Team F

Resource material Team D :  tba | Instructions: tba.


Resource material Team E:  tba | Instructions: tba

Optional reading:  tba 

Resource material Team F:  tba Instructions: tba


Microteaching Project Guidelines 
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Owned by:
Michel W. in Effective Teaching | Internationally Diverse CC
DS 875 (EPD 690) College Classroom ISIF