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1KB User's Guide - Users Tab - Adding a User53382024-10-0153349
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3KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Guide to HTML Editor Buttons (Classic Editor)149272022-07-20147641
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List Name/Address Description Population Update Frequency Owner Restricted? Agriculture Hall occupants CALS Staff located in Ag Hall (bldg: 0070). Includes all staff populations including SH positions. 1st Monday of the month Administration No Animal & Dairy Science Users Animal & Dairy Science staff using ARS facilities. Population data per ARS Headquarters (Mueller). As needed ARS Headquarters (Mueller) Yes CALS Faculty, Staff doing crop research at ARS facilities CALS faculty & staff using ARS facilities for crops. Population data per ARS Headquarters (Mueller). Every 2-3 months ARS Headquarters (Mueller) Yes CALS Faculty & Staff users of ARS facilities CALS faculty & staff using ARS facilities. Population data per ARS Headquarters (Mueller). Every 2-3 months ARS Headquarters (Mueller) Yes CALS Undergrads Advisors Advisors of CALS Undergraduates as defined by ISIS 1st Monday of the month Academic Affairs Yes CALS Center &
Program Directors
CALS Center & Program Directors as identified by Dean's office for correspondence. May not be an inclusive list. Automatically includes Dean's Executive Staff. As needed Dean's Office No CALS Department Chairs Academic Department Chairs. Automatically includes Department Administrators and Dean's Executive Staff As needed Dean's Office No CALS Chairs & Center Directors Department Chairs & Center Directors. Automatically includes Department Administrators and Dean's Executive Staff As needed Dean's Office No CALS Department & Center Administrators Department & Center Administrators As needed HR No Dean's Executive Staff CALS Dean & executive staff as determined by CALS Dean's Office As needed Dean's Office Yes CALS IT Staff IT staff in CALS Administration, Departments & Centers As needed CALS ACS No CALSNet Customers College Admin staff on the CALSNet network As needed CALS ACS No CALS Staff All Faculty & Staff in CALS (A07) and CBE (A37) (all appointment types except for SH) 1st Monday of the month Administration No CALS Academic Staff All AS appointments in CALS (A07) and CBE (A37) 1st Monday of the month Administration No CALS CASI Committee Members CASI Committee Members As needed CALS HR Yes CALS Classified Staff All Classified Staff Appointments (permanent, project, LTE) in CALS (A07) and CBE (A37) 1st Monday of the month Administration No CALS Departmental Payroll Coordinators CALS Dept Payroll Coordinators as defined by CALS HR. Automatically includes CALS HR staff. As needed CALS HR Yes CALS Faculty All CALS Faculty as determined by CALS Deans Office Faculty Information System 1st Monday of the month Administration No CALS Accountants & Financial Specs Accountants, Financial Specialists, Univ Grants & Contract Specialists and other financial staff in CALS (A07) and CBE (A37) 1st Monday of the month Research Division Yes CALS Graduate Students CALS Graduate Students as defined by ISIS 1st Monday of the month Administration No CALS Honors Students CALS Undergraduates in student group HALS Once per semester Academic Affairs Yes CALS HR Assistants CALS HR Assistants as defined by HR Mgr As needed CALS HR Yes CALS HR Managers CALS HR managers as defined by HR Director As needed CALS HR Yes CALS staff eligible for length of service recognition All CALS (A07) & CBE (A37) Academic Staff (AS) & Classified Permanent (CP), Limited (LI) appointment types 1x/year CALS HR Yes CALS Limited Appointments Appointment type = LI with no secondary appointment in CALS (A07) and CBE (A37) 1st Monday of the month Administration No Employees in Training, Student Assts, Other Appointment Types = ET, SA, OT (except for Dept. Chairs) in CALS (A07) and CBE (A37) 1st Monday of the month Administration No CALS Departmental Research Administrators Research Administrators in A07 & A37 As needed Research Division Pre-Award Yes CALS Security Team CALS IT Security team members As needed IT Director Yes CALS Student Hourlies Student Hourly Appointments in CALS (A07) and CBE (A37) 1st Monday of the month Administration No CALS Strategic Planning Committee CALS Strategic Planning Committee members As needed Dean's Office Yes CALS Undergraduates CALS Undergraduate students as defined by ISIS 1st Monday of the month Academic Affairs Yes US Dairy Forage Research
Center (DFRC staff)
US DFRC staff from DFRC Madison office As needed Dean's Office No CALS Ward 1 members CALS AS Ward I from campus DRC data 1st Monday of the month CALS CASI Yes CALS Ward 2 members CALS AS Ward II from campus DRC data 1st Monday of the month CALS CASI Yes CALS Ward 3 members CALS AS Ward III from campus DRC data< 1st Monday of the month CALS CASI Yes CALS Ward 4 members CALS AS Ward IV from campus DRC data 1st Monday of the month CALS CASI Yes CALS Ward 5 members CALS AS Ward V from campus DRC data 1st Monday of the month CALS CASI Yes CALS Ward 6 members CALS AS Ward VI from campus DRC data 1st Monday of the month CALS CASI Yes eCALS Connections extras list Self-subscribing distribution list for the eCALS for Students newsletter Self-subscribing Academic Affairs No eCALS Distribution list Parent distribution list for eCALS newsletter As needed Communications Program Yes eCALS extras list Self-subscribing distribution list for the eCALS newsletter Self-subscribing Communications Program No FISC Admissions for 2014/2015 Year FISC Admissions from FSIS As Needed FISC Yes 1st Year FISC Students 1st yr FISC Students from FSIS October FISC Director Yes 2nd Year FISC Students 2nd yr FISC Students from FSIS October FISC Director Yes FISC Fall Term Instructors FISC Fall Instructors per FISC Director October FISC Director Yes FISC Spring Term Instructors FISC Spring Instructors per FISC Director January FISC Director Yes FISC Winter Term Instructors FISC Winter Instructors per FISC Director December FISC Director Yes CALS Faculty & Instructional Staff CALS Instructional staff identified by HRS job codes As needed Communications No