DoIT Departmental Tech Support-Node Rate FAQ

DoIT Departmental Tech Support has compiled this list of frequently asked questions about our node rate.

In this KB:

Node rates

What is a node and a node rate?

A node is an endpoint that requires end-to-end IT support. A node rate is a monthly charge to supported departments that covers the cost to provide end-to-end IT support for a node, based on the particular node type.

What services are included with the node rate?

The node rate includes all the services provided through the Departmental Tech Support service

What are the different types of node rates?

The core node is the basic hardware that every employee needs to do their job. This includes desktops or laptops plus a dock, if applicable, and attached peripherals: monitors, keyboards and mice. In addition to core nodes, node rates are determined based on the particular node type (hybrid meeting room, Visix digital signage, or tablet).

What are the node rates for FY26?

  • Core node: $726 ($3 increase from FY25)
  • Hybrid meeting room node: $725 ($25 decrease from FY25)
  • Visix digital signage node: $200
  • Tablet node: $30
  • Line of Business node: $200

Why did DoIT move to a node rate?

At the time of the AIMS and DoIT unification in 2023, AIMS was billing supported departments quarterly using a single node rate for all devices. DoIT was billing departments monthly using a complex set of rates within a chargeback model. With the AIMS and DoIT unification, a single billing model was adopted. Consistent with the project goal to adopt the best of both organizations, the choice was made to move to the AIMS node rate model, which is most aligned with the cost driver of the service and consistent with cost accounting best practices. Additionally, a consistent core node rate model with other optional node rates for different device types is inherently more proportional to usage and more transparent.


Node types

We have spare laptops/desktops. Will we be charged a core node rate for those?

Yes. These would be considered a core node because when those computers are needed, the expectation is that they work. For those to be functional, available, and up to date with security and software, they need to be managed. As an alternative option for spare laptops, we also offer a check out option when needed. The service includes the ability to check out a computer for this purpose instead of contract partners maintaining a large supply of spare equipment. Checkouts would be no cost to you and are available for a short-term loan (up to 4 weeks). 

We have specialized laptops/desktops that may be used infrequently. Will we be charged a node rate for those?

Yes. These would be considered a core node because when those computers are needed, the expectation is that they work. For those to be functional, available, and up to date with security and software, they need to be managed. 

What is a Visix/digital signage endpoint?

Visix is a system that provides digital signs on large displays. The cost of Visix support is covered with the Visix node rate. The cost for the device and license is a separate charge.

What is included in the tablet/mobile node?

Tablets and other mobile devices like phones are charged a tablet node rate if they require support from Departmental Tech Support. Support is defined as being registered with management systems and having the expectation to have the ability to contact DoIT with support-related questions.

We have spare tablets in our department. Will we be charged a core node rate for those?

Yes. If the devices are registered with DoIT management systems, you will be charged a tablet node rate. DoIT can provide an inventory of items that are registered with our systems.

Can you define the scope of the hybrid meeting room endpoints?

You can review the full scope of the service here on the hybrid meeting room service page.



How are node rates calculated each year?

The core node rate is recalculated each year to recover the actual cost to deliver support to all customers. This cost accounting calculation is based on the total cost to provide IT support services for the nodes divided by the total number of supported nodes owned by supported departments. The total number of supported nodes each fiscal year will be determined by calculating the average number of nodes reporting to our endpoint management systems each quarter of the previous fiscal year. 

How will the node count be determined every year for each department?

The total number of supported nodes each fiscal year will be determined by calculating the average number of nodes reporting to our endpoint management systems. Inventory counts are taken 4 times throughout the year. 

Example node count:

In this example, the supported department has 51 core nodes (assuming this example department only has core nodes). The number of nodes (51) in this example was established by calculating an average based on inventory data from 4 different quarters.

  • Q1 Nodes reporting         50
  • Q2 Nodes reporting         47
  • Q3 Nodes reporting         53
  • Q4 Nodes reporting         54

                          Average         51

When will we find out about the node rates each year?

Once the total number of supported nodes has been determined, the node rate is set each year. DoIT is targeting having this completed during the fall of each fiscal year. Counts and rates will be shared with departments annually for budget planning.


Billing and inventory

How will the node rate be billed?

Departments will be billed monthly with a consistent monthly cost throughout the fiscal year. Any surplus or deficit generated by the service will be applied to the rate each year.

Will contract partners receive information that will break down the node rates by individual UDDS?

Yes. DoIT will provide the cost at the UDDS level requested by each contract partner.

Will DoIT provide an inventory of all nodes/devices/rooms being supported now?

You will be provided with an inventory each quarter which will include the: computer name, model, purchase date, assigned user, and UDDS it is assigned to.

Can I access a listing of my inventory myself?

It depends. DoIT plans to move away from AIMS’s IT Financials application, which currently provides a way for legacy-AIMS contract partners to check on their inventory. We are in the process of developing a new system that all contract partners can use to verify their inventories on their own.

Who will be responsible for tracking the hardware assets, since all contract partners own the hardware?

DoIT is responsible for tracking hardware assets assuming the assets were purchased using the process provided as part of the support you have with us. Please see the FAQs about purchasing hardware and software which provides more detail on this service.  

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Purchasing hardware and software

Are the costs for existing computers that departments currently have in their possession still folded into the node rate and charged back to the department over time?

All computers will be paid for at the time of purchase by the contract partner, and then procured by DoIT for you. The cost of the computer is no longer folded into the node rate.

Will computer purchases still be managed by DoIT, using departmental funding or will the actual procurement be pushed to the departments?

DoIT will continue to do the procurement, purchasing, deployment and management of the equipment. There are no changes to the current experience. The only difference is that the cost of the equipment will be paid for by the department up front vs. being included in the node rate.

When a new device is purchased, does that device become DoIT’s asset or the contract partner’s asset?

If you were previously supported by AIMS, all the equipment became the property of the contract partner on July 1, 2023. Since then, equipment purchased is paid for up front by the contract partner and the contract partner owns all of their equipment. If you have been a DoIT supported customer, you already own the equipment and the process did not change.

If my department needs a unique, non-standard software, is that cost covered by DoIT and folded into the node rate?

For software needs, departments pay for non-standard software licenses. DoIT will assist contract partners with determining what software needs to be purchased and contract partners will complete the purchase themselves. DoIT will then assist with the software installation.

Examples of this type of software include: BlueBeam, MS Visio, MS Project, etc.

How do departments submit a software purchase request?

If you need software that is not installed with the base computer, a request can be made for that software using the Departmental Support portal. DoIT will determine if the requested software is available in the Campus Software Library.

  • If it is, DoIT will install the software.
  • If it is not, the software will need to be purchased.
    • Some software can be purchased by DoIT on your behalf and billed to the funding string of your choice.
    • Some software will require that you work with your local purchasing team. If you need to work with your local purchasing team, DoIT will install the software after it has been purchased.

Examples of software that DoIT can purchase on your behalf included: Microsoft Visio and Microsoft Project.

Who is monitoring to ensure that supervisors are not submitting multiple new computers for the same employees.

There are no changes. Each department should have a policy and procedure for getting equipment for employees.  Supervisors go to the portal and request a new computer via the "New Employee Onboarding" button or the "Request a Workstation" button.  Supervisors should be communicating internally to make sure that a process is being followed.

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Ownership of nodes

Who will determine when a device will be replaced?

DoIT will determine when existing equipment is replaced based on the standard computer lifecycle of 5 years. The contract partner will determine when new, additional equipment is needed. New additional equipment will be purchased using the DoIT support portal ( DoIT will purchase, image and deploy the equipment, and the contract partner will be billed for that device. DoIT will continue to provide recommendations and guidance with periodic inventory reports showing which computers need to be replaced based on the standard replacement lifecycle.

Can I send my computer to SWAP?

While it is allowable, doing so would impact our ability to properly maintain your inventories which could result in paying for a node that you no longer have. The inventory and decommission process is part of the service we provide and is an important step in maintaining accurate inventories. If you have a computer that you would like to decommission, please fill out the “Decommission a Computer” form on the portal located at

Can I sell or give my computer and other hardware to other campus units or DoIT departments?

Campus has policies and procedures that can be found on the SWAP policy and procedures website. The inventory and decommission process is part of the service we provide and is an important step in maintaining both accurate inventories and security on devices. Devices need to be properly decommissioned to ensure that no personal data is inadvertently given to others.  

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Does our division or department have a customer service liaison appointed to us?

No. Your division or department will not have a single technician assigned. Instead, Departmental Support technicians can provide support to all of our contract partners. We also have primary technicians who are more familiar with your division or department's organization, specific technical needs, and inventory lifecycles. Primary points of contact are detailed in each contract partner's support MOU.

Will DoIT still set up machines with necessary software, network security etc.?

DoIT will continue to fully manage all aspects of inventory, lifecycle, software deployment, security, and patching. You will not see any changes to this other than improvements on visibility to your inventory.

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FAQ frequently asked questions AIMS transition node rate core node billing university of wisconsin madison staff node types desktop support departmental tech support laptops computers mouse mice keyboards printers tablets mobile devices inventory calculations purchasing hardware software ownership 
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Owned by:
Brianna K. in DoIT Departmental Support
DoIT Contract Partner Support Help Desk, DoIT Departmental Support, DoIT Help Desk