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Windows 10 TCP/IP Reset

WiFi adapter sees available network, however will not accept tcp/ip address. Attempting to reset winsock and ip stack may resolve the problem. Note, this information is one of many possible solutions that should only be attempted if you have a good working knowledge of the Windows OS network settings and services.

1. In the search box on the taskbar, type Command prompt, press and hold (or right-click) Command prompt, and then select Run as administrator > Yes.

2. At the command prompt, run the following commands in the listed order, and then check to see if that fixes your connection problem:

  • Type netsh winsock reset and press Enter.
  • Type netsh int ip reset and press Enter.
  • Type ipconfig /release and press Enter.
  • Type ipconfig /renew and press Enter.
  • Type ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter.

3. Restart computer.

For a complete list of Windows 10 network troubleshooting see

Keywordswindows 10 tcp/ip reset, tcp/ip stack, stack, winsock, wifi no ip address, ipconfig, no ip address, ethernet no ip address   Doc ID31480
OwnerDavid L.GroupDermatology
Created2013-07-08 15:20:53Updated2021-10-13 10:22:15
SitesDepartment of Dermatology
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