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Microsoft Teams General Information

Microsoft Teams is a chat application like Slack. It also has similar meeting functionality to Webex. This document contains basic information to get started.

Microsoft Teams and Office 365

    • How can I access Microsoft Teams?

      Microsoft Teams can be accessed via a browser or desktop client.

    • Who can create a Microsoft Team?

      Currently Teams can only be created by DiscoverIT. If you would like to have a new team please submit a request at or by sending an email to

    • Who can access Microsoft Teams?

      All Morgridge employees and partners have access to Teams.

    • What email address should you use to login into Teams application?

      You can use your Morgridge username followed by "" i.e. "".

    • Who can be invited to a Microsoft Team?

      Anyone with a valid email address.


      • It may take up to 24 hours for a member to be able to access the Teams application.

  • Can I dial-in (audio conferencing) to Teams Meetings?

    Yes. This feature will be enabled for all Morgridge employees and partners. Learn more.

  • Can external accounts (guests) be invited to a Microsoft Team?

    Yes. Non-Morgridge accounts can be added as a member of a team - they will be considered as 'Guest' accounts and will have limited capabilities. See Microsoft documentation for further details.

  • Can I create a live event?

    Yes. With Microsoft Live Events, you can broadcast video and meeting content to large online audiences. Anyone can attend a live event. Learn more.

  • Can I use read receipts for messages in Teams?

    Yes. When they read your message the Seen seen read receipt icon confirmation appears next to it. Otherwise, you'll just see a confirmation that your message was sent Delivered message icon. Learn more.

  • Can I take meeting notes?

    Yes. Meeting notes are a great place to capture and share notes before, during, and after a Teams meeting. Learn more.

    • Microsoft Copilot has not been approved for use in meetings. The feature should be disabled for all Microsoft Teams meetings.
  • Are breakout rooms available in Teams meetings?

    Yes. Make sure all participants, including the meeting organizer are using the latest version of Teams. If joining on Android or iOS mobile or tablet, make sure participants go to their App Store and download the latest update.

    To see the breakout rooms option within your meetings, you must turn on the new Teams meeting experience by

    1. Clicking on your profile image within Teams
    2. Select Settings
    3. Checking the Turn on new meeting experience option within "General" settings.
    4. Restart your Teams client.
    5. You can double check that the setting is setup correctly by starting a meeting and verifying that the meeting opens in its own window.

    Learn more.

Desktop and web

Mobile devices

Interactive Demo

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Drew G. in DiscoverIT
Discovery Building IT