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7/17/2024 Arts Recruitment Working Group (ARWG)

7/17/2024 Arts Recruitment Working Group (ARWG) 9:30 am - 10:30 am | Zoom

Invited: Faisal Abdu'Allah, Carrie Backman, Sean Bishop, Rebecca Buckman, Scott Carter, Greer Davis, Emilie Dickson, Ammo Eisu, Robin Fisher, Aaron Greer, Deborah Griffin, Erik Gunneson, Steffie Halverson, Kate Hewson, John Hitchcock, Patrick Jackson, Wendy Johnson, Teddy Kaul, Matt Mauk, Karen McShane-Hellenbrand, Kim Nawyn, Dann Petersen, Christopher Pevey Harry, André Phillips, Amy Rivera, Ashley Rose, Scot Shepley, Leslie Smith, Sofia Snow, Rachel Tatge, Chris Walker, Alyssa Watts Ransom, Jin-wen Yu

Attended: Faisal Abdu'Allah, Carrie Backman, Rebecca Buckman, Ammo Eisu, Robin Fisher, Deborah Griffin, Patrick Jackson, Matt Mauk, Kim Nawyn, Scot Shepley, Rachel Tatge, Alyssa Watts Ransom

Absent: Sean Bishop, Scott Carter, Greer Davis, Emilie Dickson, Aaron Greer, Erik Gunneson, Steffie Halverson, Kate Hewson, John Hitchcock, Wendy Johnson, Teddy Kaul, Karen McShane-Hellenbrand, Dann Petersen, Christopher Pevey Harry, André Phillips, Amy Rivera, Ashley Rose, Leslie Smith, Sofia Snow, Chris Walker, Jin-wen Yu

  1. Unit check-ins

    The meeting started with brief introductions.

    Scot Shepley announced information about upcoming performances, including Angels in America Part 1: Millennium Approaches (July 25-August 4 & September 12-22) directed by Audrey Standish. Angels in America Part 2: Perestroika will be a reading, directed by alumnus Harry Waters Jr. Ann Shanahan, who is new to UW as of last year, started as the new Department Chair of Theatre and Drama this summer.

    Becky Buckman leads a one-year accelerated Master’s program in Arts and Creative Enterprise Leadership with her co-worker, Sarah Marty. Many of the students who matriculate to this program start as UW undergraduate students. Their cohort will be having a virtual meet and greet next week, and will have a full week of orientation in August.

    Gia Euler-Plath is the Outreach Coordinator and Academic Advisor for First Wave. Most of the OMAI/First Wait team is at Brave New Voices, an international spoken word contest, so she is stepping in for others today.

    Ammo Eisu-wong is the Program Manager for The Studio Creative Arts Learning Community. This program houses all First Wave students and 40 other first year students who are passionate about the arts. He just completed his first year with the program.

    Carrie Backman is the Director of the Summer Music Clinic and Summer Arts Clinic (and other youth arts programs). Jeanne Hammes joined in January. Their programming brought about 900 students grades 5-12 on campus this summer. This included the first ever Summer Arts Clinic. They are gearing up for one-day academic experiences for Music Students. Jeanne Hammes reiterated the excitement around building partnerships across campus.

    Robin Fisher is the Academic Program Specialist for Theatre and Drama. She facilitates tours and helps with events.

    Matthew Mauk is the Academic Program Manager for Art Department. The Art Department has seen the highest enrollment for their summer program ever. New staff members include 4 new advisors.

    Patrick Jackson is the Senior Assistant Dean for Undergradate Student Services in SoHE. He expressed that this summer has been busy and that the Design Studies Department was involved in the Summer Arts Clinic. This fall, SoHE is launching a new major (Design, Innovation, and Society), which focuses on design methodology and how to apply in many different settings. They are also relaunching the Community and Organizational Development major, which will engage in partnerships coming up with OMAI this fall, including First Wave students engaging in coursework with this program. This is a great opportunity for folks in arts spaces to learn organizational/business pieces outside of the School of Business.

    Kim Nawyn is the Directoer of the Office of Youth Protection. If you’re inviting a third party onto campus to do an activity, there are new contract language for this type of offering,

    Debi Griffin is the Academic Advisor for Landscape Architecture. They are currently reviewing applications for the fall 2024 cohort. Last year, they had a class size of 33 (biggest yet) and may be the same size this year.

    Rachel Tatge is the Assistant Director for Events, and her work intersect with ours with visits and larger OAR events.

    Alyssa, a Manager for Transfer admissions, works a lot with Madison college and would be open to collaborations with this population.
  2. Experience Wisconsin Open House Dates
    This is an a-la-carte style visit day, where students choose from a selection of information sessions and tours to build their schedule. You determine the content you want to provide during your session time(s).

    Highlights from Fall 2023:

    • October 9: Arts departments hosted 9 individual sessions, with a total of 36 visitors

    • October 20: Arts departments hosted 10 individual sessions, with a total of 317 visitors

    2024 Dates:

    • Friday, October 18, 2024 (Minnesota public school day off and Milwaukee public school day off)

    • Friday, April 25, 2025 (Sessions to be geared for prospective students, but we will likely have admitted students attend this day)

    Session information must be submitted by July 19 at 5 pm using this form

    Activities can include, but are not limited to, tours, Q&As, information sessions, etc., and departments can choose to hold programming for just one event if desired. It was suggested to use compelling, but clear, language for session titles and descriptions.

    The initial invitation was sent to folks who participated in the event last year and other campus partners who regularly host events through Visit Bucky. If you’d like to become a key contact, reach out to Rachel Tatge. Sometimes schools and colleges have one contact who disseminate their contacts.

  3. Admitted Student Day for the Arts - April 5, 2025
    Location: Gordon Dining and Event Center

    The proposed schedule for the day was discussed. OAR will be hosting the morning portion, with academic units having the option to host additional programming after lunch. Liz will reach out to units this fall regarding suggestions for student performances and students for the Q&A panel, and for confirmation of which units would like to hold programming in the afternoon. OAR will be leading the communication plan.

    Note that performances will need to be simple due to the space, and the space was chosen to give students the experience of eating at a dining hall. Matthew, Patrick, and Debi suggested displaying artwork for areas that are less performance focused.

  4. Arts Viewbook Updates

    Draft 2 was sent yesterday for additional feedback
    Please provide feedback by Monday, July 29 for it to be added to Draft 3 for consideration
    Print goal: September 2024

  5. Updates and Reminders:

    1. Update course listing for non-arts majors
      List of courses, update form

    2. Working on Outlook Arts Recruitment shared calendar

    3. Next full meeting: September/October

Arts Recruitment Working Group, ARWG, minutes 
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Owned by:
Liz R. in Division of the Arts
Division of the Arts