ECMS - Two Factor Authentication FAQ

This document outlines frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the ECM/Imaging Service's adoption of two factor authentication

[Doc 8386 content is unavailable at this time.]  

  1. What is the timeline?
    • 11-29-2023: New connection profile named “ECMS Production” pushed to anyone that logs in to the PRODUCTION Imaging environment. It is for authentication using two factor authentication.
    • Period between 11-29-2023 and 1-16-2024: Imaging Service users can log in using either the old connection method or the new connection method.
    • Beginning 1-17-2024: Only the two factor authentication method will be allowed for access to any ECM/Imaging environment.
  2. If we’re not using PEDS, will this new profile still get pushed out to our clients? 
    Yes. PEDS is not the mechanism we will be using to push the information. We will be using the same mechanism we use to enforce the 30 minute timeout on the Perceptive Content client. For anyone that logs in to the PRODUCTION Imaging environment, it will update the imagenow.ini file with additional connection profile(s).
  3. How do I configure the connection profiles manually?
    Please see ECMS - Creating Imaging Account Connection Profiles
  4. With the new two factor authentication method, will my users first need to add the in the login or will it push users to a webpage instead of the client login page when they open Perceptive?
    The order of operations will be different than the old method. When selecting a connection profile configured for the new approach, a user will first click “Connect” in the Perceptive Content client (WITHOUT ENTERING ANY AUTH INFO – THERE WILL BE NO OPTIONS TO ENTER THAT INFORMATION. JUST THE “Connect” BUTTON), and then be taken to the Universities of Wisconsin WAYF* page and then to their institution's login screen to enter (for UW Madison) netid and password in a browser iframe.
  5. How will this work to distinguish between a "normal" Imaging account and one used to access the management console?
    If you are an Imaging user with a separate login that you use to access the management console, you will need an additional connection profile for each environment you want to login to with admin credentials. After 11-29 the Imaging Service Team will begin scheduling sessions with approvers to show them how to construct the connection profiles.
    1. An easy way to provision your connection profiles if you need to use an admin connection profile for UW Madison:  During the transition period between 11-29 and 1-17, someone logging into our TEST environment will automatically cause admin and user profiles to be pushed to them for the PROD and TEST Imaging environments.
  6. Do I have to enter my “Selected Organization” and authenticate every time I login to the Perceptive Content client?
    Yes. This is the expected behavior.

* "Universities of Wisconsin" is the new name for "UW System" and their WAYF page is how they ask you "Where Are You From?"

ECM ECMS Enterprise Content Management Service ImageNow Image Now Imaging Perceptive FAQ two factor authentication DUO MFA 
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Douglas S. in ECMS
DoIT Help Desk, ECMS