ECMS - Use ImageNow Printer to Capture Electronic Documents
This document describes how to use the ImageNow Printer feature within Perceptive Content desktop client imaging software (formerly known as ImageNow) to quickly convert electronic documents (such as Microsoft Word) into a TIFF (tagged image file format), without having to print and scan them first. The ImageNow Printer feature can be used from any software program that has a Print option (e.g. Microsoft Word).
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Use ImageNow Printer to Convert Documents to TIFF File Format
The ImageNow Printer feature uses the Print command from any software program (e.g. Microsoft Word) to convert files to TIFF (tagged image file format) format and brings the files into Perceptive Content imaging software (formerly known as ImageNow) directly without having to print and scan them first. You can use the ImageNow Printer from any software program that has a print option.
The ImageNow Printer product is included with the Perceptive Content desktop Client and does not require a separate license.
The options you set in an ImageNow Printer capture profile determine how your documents are processed.
Print a File to ImageNow Printer Using Single Mode Capture Profile
- Log into the desktop client version of Perceptive Content imaging software, and minimize the window.
- Switch over to the document you want to import into Perceptive Content imaging software, and Open it.
- From that document's menu of options, click File, and choose the Print option.
- From the list of printers, select ImageNow Printer.
- Verify that the ImageNow Printer is selected, and click Print.
- If you are not already logged into the Perceptive Content desktop client, the ImageNow Printer dialog box displays a warning message, informing you that you must log into the client, and then resubmit the print job. Click OK to continue. You will need to log into the Perceptive Content desktop client and repeat Steps 1 to 5 above.
- If you have more than one ImageNow Printer capture profile configured, the ImageNow Print dialog box displays.
a. In the Capture Profile box, select the desired ImageNow Printer profile for Single Mode (e.g. ImageNow Printer - Single Mode).
b. Click OK. - The Proposed Keys dialog box displays. Complete the required fields, and click on the Capture button.
- Your scanned document displays in the Perceptive Content Viewer - Single Scan window.
- In the Perceptive Content Viewer- Single Scan window:
a. Verify image quality, and make any desired changes.
b. To save the scanned image, click the Save icon, displayed as a diskette, or from the menu, choose File, Save.

Print Files to ImageNow Printer Using Batch Mode Capture Profile
- Prerequisites: This procedure requires a capture profile set to the ImageNow Printer source and Batch mode, and the Drawer > Content > Create/Append privilege.
- Follow steps 1 to 6 from the Single Mode section above.
- If you have more than one ImageNow Printer capture profile configured, the ImageNow Print dialog box displays.
a. In the Capture Profile box, select the desired ImageNow Printer profile for Batch Mode (e.g. ImageNow Printer - Batch Mode).
b. Click OK.
c. Your documents are imported into Perceptive Content imaging software. - In the Perceptive Content application, click Batches, located on the toolbar.
- The Perceptive Content Explorer window displays the documents you scanned in Batch Mode. Double-click one of the documents to display the image quality.
- The Perceptive Content Viewer - QA - [Page 1] window displays.
a. On the left-hand side, under the Actions pane, Batch Processing section, choose from the list of options (e.g. Mark page as OK) to begin the quality assurance process.
b. Complete the quality assurance (QA) actions for all the batch processed documents. - After the quality assurance (QA) process is completed, the Perceptive Content Explorer window shows the Step column as QA, the State column as Completed, and the QA Completed column with the date the quality assurance actions were completed.
- If desired, you can begin the batch document linking process by clicking on Batches and selecting the Ready for Linking option so that a checkmark displays.