ECMS - What is ImageNow Linking and How to Link?

This document explains what ImageNow Linking is and how one Links.
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What is ImageNow Linking and how does one Link?

After quality assuring a document or batch of documents, you need to link your documents to the appropriate records in your business application. Linking occurs in the ImageNow Viewer when the batch is in link mode. When you link a document, some or all of its document key values are copied from the selected record in the business application. These are the values that allow ImageNow to retrieve the linked document from the ImageNow Server whenever the matching record in the business application is open. While working in Link mode, you can discard a page, relink a page, and link groups of pages. You can also suspend linking and resume the task at a later time.

  1. On the ImageNow toolbar, click the Applications down arrow, and then select the application plan for the business application you want to use to link a batch.
  2. On the ImageNow toolbar, click the Batches down arrow, and then click Ready for Linking.
  3. In ImageNow Explorer grid, select the batch you want to link.
  4. On the File menu, click Open.
  5. In ImageNow Viewer - Link, identify the displayed page from its name, account number, or other distinguishing information.
  6. In the business application, display the corresponding record.
  7. Position the ImageNow Viewer - Link window and the corresponding business application record so they are both visible on the screen.
    Note In a few cases, the entire business application record may need to be visible for linking to work.
  8. On the Batch Link toolbar, click the Link page button to create a link between ImageNow and your business application. The Properties pane slides in from the right side of the window.
  9. In the Properties pane, under Document Keys, enter required values if necessary, and then, on the Batch Link toolbar, click the Save Batch Page button. The next page in the batch is displayed.
  10. Repeat steps 5-9 as necessary until the entire batch is linked. You are then returned to ImageNow Explorer.

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Imaging Imaging System Experience ImageNow perceptive content ImageNow Linking ecm ecms enterprise content management imaging imagenow perceptive 
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Douglas S. in ECMS
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