ECMS - Perceptive Content Fundamentals - Content Processing - Quality Assurance

Perceptive Content Fundamentals - Content Processing - Quality Assurance
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Perceptive Content Fundamentals

Quality Assurance

Quality assurance (QA) is the first step in processing documents after you scan or import them. During QA you verify that a document meets the standards of image quality that you require in order to store, view, and work with that document online. You achieve this goal by deciding which pages to keep, discard, and if needed, rescan. Quality assurance occurs in Perceptive Content Viewer in QA Mode.

Quality assuring documents is recommended in Perceptive Content, but it is not required. If you decide not to QA your documents, you can bypass this step by going directly to document linking.

Whether you are quality assuring one page, a document (which may contain multiple pages), or a batch of documents, you can always approve it as QA complete. If the first few pages meet the standards you require, you can approve all pages in the batch as QA complete. When a page does not meet your standards of quality assurance, you can rescan it. Perceptive Content automatically discards the previous version of the scan.

Finally, you can suspend a batch or stop processing it. If you suspend processing of a batch, you remain in QA mode and can QA another document or batch and return to the original one later. If you stop processing, you end the current QA session. However, any time that you complete a QA process, Perceptive Content alerts you.

Imaging Imaging System Experience Perceptive Content perceptive content Quality Assurance ecm ecms enterprise content management imaging imagenow perceptive 
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Douglas S. in ECMS
DoIT Help Desk, ECMS