ECMS - Use JIRA to Request Add/Change/Delete User Account for Imaging Service

In order to add new users or change existing users to the Imaging Service, you must use the JIRA issue tracking software tool. When a Department Lead or Data Custodian creates an issue in JIRA to add or change a user account for Imaging, that issue is assigned to the Security Team at DoIT for resolution.

This document describes how an approver for an Imaging implementation would use JIRA to create an issue for adding, changing or deleting user accounts for the Perceptive Content (Imaging) Service.

Note:If you are looking for Imaging technical support please use the information on this page to request it.

[Doc 8386 content is unavailable at this time.]

Note: Users need to have an active appointment in PeopleSoft HRS to use the Imaging Service. The UDDS for their appointment is required to complete this form.

Note: A Compliance Agreement must be on file. SecAuth will confirm that a Compliance Agreement is on file before taking action on any request.

    Log into JIRA to Create Issue for Add, Change, Delete User Account for Imaging Service

    1. Log into the JIRA issue tracking product by clicking on URL:
    2. Logging in
      1. For folks with a netid: 
        1. In the ATLASSIAN "Log in to continue" screen, where it says "Enter your email" please enter your and click the "Continue" button.
        2. In the University of Wisconsin-Madison authentication page, enter your campus NetID and Password; press either Enter or click Log in (The JIRA main menu displays automatically.)
      2. For folks without a netid:
        1. We recommend you use your work email address for your username and you will then be prompted to create a password upon first login. This will be a set of separate credentials you will need to keep track of going forward.
    4. From the JIRA main menu, click Create to create a new issue.
    5. In the New Task screen:
      1. Click in the Project field, and select Imaging Security (IMAGING) from the drop-down menu.
      2. Click in the Issue Type field, and select Task from the drop-down menu.
      3. In the Summary field, enter a brief summation of the issue; not the full detailed description which you'll enter later. Note: The Summary field acts as the title of the issue.
      4. In the Priority field, choose Major
      5. In the Due Date field, click on the calendar icon to select the desired due date or enter it in MM/DD[/YYYY] format.
      6. The Reporter field defaults to your name, as the person creating the issue.
      7. The Assignee field allows you to assign the issue to another individual or Team name. Click in the Assignee field and enter Team: Imaging Sec Req.
      8. Description field: The 10 items listed below are required for all requests. This information may be added to the Description field or it may be part of an attached document. Note: Attached documents allow you to make multiple requests and gather the required information before creating the JIRA issue.
          • Division of Enrollment Management (DEM/RO/DCS) Only: Compliance forms in related SIS Jira ISISSEC-xxxx
          • Imaging Database Environment: [Production / Test / Both]
          • Change Request Type: [Add/Change/Inactivate] User
          • Campus ID: Example: UW-Madison NetID, UW-Milwaukee Panther ID, etc.
          • Full Name: [User's full name]
          • Type of Employment: [FTE/LTE/Student]
          • Full UDDS (Business Unit,Division,Department,Sub-department): [Example: A067130] - Include the campus letter designation
          • Email Address: [UserEmailAddress] NOTE: this needs to be the user's Institutional email address!
          • Batch Security Required? [Yes or No]
          • Group Name(s): [GroupName(s)] (all UW Madison users need A_UW_Madison_Campus_Users group to be able to login)
          • Type of Group Change: [Add/Remove]
      9. Attachment: You can add attachments by dragging them and dropping them on the Attachment field. If you are making multiple user requests, you can attach a file by dragging and dropping the attachment(s) in the Attachment section.
      10. Category: Choose User Request
      11. Module is not a required field
    6. Click the Create button
      1. JIRA displays the newly created issue and automatically assigns a tracking identifier beginning with the words, "IMAGING" followed by a number (e.g. IMAGING-2346).
      2. The default Status of the issue will be set to Open
    7. Once the previous step has been successfully completed, DoIT Security Authorizations will send an email containing a link to an online Imaging Compliance DocuSign form for the end user to sign.  The email will be from: (DocuSign via DocuSign) The email containing the link will have the subject line of "DocuSign ImageNow Compliance For <<Name>>", it will be addressed to the end user, and the requester of the jira will be cc'd on the email. Once the compliance form is signed and the end user clicks "Finish" the DocuSign form will be routed back to Security Authorization to complete the Imaging account creation request. Please alert your user(s) to expect an email to their institutional email account with the subject line of "DocuSign ImageNow Compliance For <<Name>>" and that they will need to follow the link in the email and complete the DocuSign form.
      1. For Division of Enrollment Management (DEM/RO/DCS) requests: Instead of the process described in #4-h above, please insert at the top of the Description a line that refrences the ISISSEC jira number for the corresponding user, like this: "Compliance forms in related SIS Jira ISISSEC-5834

    ECM ECMS Enterprise Content Management Imaging Service Perceptive Experience ImageNow Jira Security Request user group 
    Doc ID:
    Owned by:
    Douglas S. in ECMS
    Cybersecurity Operations Center, DoIT Help Desk, ECMS