ECMS - Testing Protocol for February 2025 Imaging Update

This document explains the testing protocol expected of departments using the Imaging System; click on each heading for details.

Why am I testing?

The upgrade in February 2025, includes a large number of patches released (around one per month) since the last previous upgrade six months prior. Testing needs to be performed to ensure that your department's business processes run smoothly as soon as the patch is deployed.

How can I test?

  1. Use a dedicated workstation (desktop or laptop): This is the only way to test scanners. It is recommended that the workstation be configured as other workstations in your department to ensure that things work with the group policy and other factors put in place by your departmental IT.
  2. Use the Remote Desktop Service (RDS): RDS is a server that users log into remotely and can use as like a desktop workstation; it functions much like a virtual machine. The RDS cannot be used to test scanners.  
  3. Use a virtual machine: The RDS is generally more convenient as it requires less setup, but a virtual machine is still an option. A virtual machine cannot be used to test scanners.

Note: A dedicated workstation is the recommended testing option as it will allow you to test all aspects of your business processes including scanners. For processes internal to ImageNow/Perceptive Content (e.g. workflow, viewing documents) RDS-DEV or a virtual machine will suffice; for anything that will require interaction with software/hardware outside of ImageNow/Perceptive Content (scanners, ImageNow Printer), a dedicated workstation is recommended, if not required.

What am I testing?

Testing should include some or all of the following items depending on your department's business processes:

  1. Client upgrade/installation (Not necessary if using RDS-DEV for your testing as the client is already updated):Confirm that the client is deployed correctly based on the method your department chooses to use:
  2. Entering Documents into Perceptive Content:Confirm that documents can be entered into the system via all that apply:
    • Scanning Documents
      • Manual/LearnMode application plans
      • Batch processing, if applicable
    • ImageNow Printer
      • Manual/LearnMode application plans
  3. Workflow: Confirm that iScripts and other queues function as expected. A document(s) should be submitted to workflow to confirm that it is processed correctly.
  4. Views: Confirm that document views created to access documents stored in ImageNow/Perceptive Content still function as expected.
  5. External Processes and Integrations: 
    1. Confirm that processes for bulk capture/importing work. Confirm that external applications that use Imaging (e.g., XML data files or Integration Service/URLs for viewing documents) work.
    2. Test any integrations you have with other business systems and your Imaging implementation (e.g., SFS, HRS, SIS and Jaggaer). Report any issues immediately to both the Imaging team and your support for your other business systems!
  6. Group Security/Permissions: Confirm that end users in the department are able to perform the functions that are expected of them (e.g. scanning/viewing/workflow).

Reporting test results

Test results should be submitted regardless of whether any issues were encountered. We would like to hear from as many departments as possible. Please submit your test results by using the email address below:

This will create a WiscIT for us to track the results.

ECMS February 2025 patch upgrade deployment testing peds how to 
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Owned by:
Douglas S. in ECMS
DoIT Help Desk, ECMS