Department Acronyms for Network Drives
Acronym listings to denote each department's network drive path.
Path to deparmental shared network drives:
- macOS: smb://
- Windows: \\\soe_departments\
Append the corresponding department acronym to the path above:
- BO: Business Office
- CA: Communications and Advancement
- CC: Career Center
- CCBC: Cooperative Children's Book Center
- CI: Curriculum And Instruction
- CP: Counseling Psychology
- DO: Deans Office
- EAS: Academic Services
- ELPA: Education Leadership & Policy Analysis
- EP: Educational Psychology
- EPS: Education Policy Center
- EPTC: Educational & Psychological Training Center
- Kines: Kinesiology
- MERIT: Media Education Resources, & Information Technology
- MSP: This drive is used by OEDI Minority Student Programs
-OEDI: MSP is the drive acronym
- PLACE: Professional Learning And Community Education
- RPSE: Rehabilitation Psychology and Special Education
- Tandem: Tandem Press
- TD: Theatre & Drama
- TEC: Teacher Education Center
- WISCAPE: Wisconsin Center for the Advancement of Postsecondary Education