News and Announcements

SoE Website Rollback Complete - June 5

Posted: 2019-06-03 18:12:27   Expiration: 2019-06-07 18:12:27

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2019-06-03 18:12:27. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

This document outlines the status of the website rollbacks for specified School of Education Departments on June 4. The status information reflects milestones completed during the process.

  • June 5, 9 am: Rollback assessed. High level "SOE" redirect to "Education" completed. Rollback portion completed. Additional, specific follow-up with departments to be carried out, as needed.
  • June 4, 4:30 pm: Rollback completion messages sent to all department contacts. Team is assessing overall rollback.
  • June 4, 3 pm: Review of sites at rollbacked locations continues. Team member are tracking findings and noting any issues for follow-up.
  • June 4, 2 pm: Rollback has been initiated on all sites, including main School of Education site, Dance and Theatre & Drama. Remaining notification emails have been sent to department contacts.
  • June 4, 1 pm: Rollback has been initiated on all sites, except main School of Education site, Dance and Theatre & Drama. Notification emails are being sent to other department contacts, accordingly.
  • June 4, 10 am: Notification emails are being sent to department contacts informing them of today's planned rollback.

Sites included in the rollback are the main School of Education site, Dance, Theatre & Drama, Curriculum & Instruction, ELPA, EPS, Educational Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Kinesiology, RPSE, News, Business Office, MERIT, and Career Center.

Questions about this process should be submitted to

-- School of Education: Brenda Spychalla