Connecting to School of Education Network Resources (Windows)

Instructions for connecting to a network drive on Windows (with pictures)


Make sure you are connected to the School of Education Network either via ethernet cord in one of our buildings or our GlobalProtect VPN service.  See Windows instructions to connect to the VPN:

Connecting to a Network Drive from Windows 10:

1. Open File Explorer (start > search > file explorer) and navigate to: This PC > Computer > Map Network Drive

2. Select any open drive letter and enter the desired path you wish to map.

Common Locations:
Personal Drive** this is a legacy service, only a few SoE users will have Personal Drives: \\\home$\username where username is your School of Education username
Department Share Drives \\\SOE_Departments\deptname where deptname is the acronym for your department (ie: CI, EOP, EP, etc.) 
You can find the acronym for the network drive corresponding to your department here:
4. Check the box to Connect using different credentials.  Enter your School of Education credentials, be sure to enter soe-ad\ before your username and confirm that the "domain" field changes to "soe-ad".

5. Click OK

Keywordsmapping, map, server, share, shared, network, drive, Windows   Doc ID71568
OwnerElla T.GroupSchool of Education
Created2017-03-09 11:19:22Updated2021-06-08 18:07:36
SitesSchool of Education
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