Topics Map > General Information > Advanced Resources
Topics Map > Assets > Emails > HTML Editor

Email Settings When Using the HTML Editor

This document outlines the email settings you need for each send when using the side-by-side HTML editor.

Note: Email settings should be edited each time you create or copy a new email. Email settings should also be checked before a campaign is sent.

To access your email settings in the HTML Editor, go to the Actions menu in the upper right corner and select Settings.


If this doesn't match what you see in Eloqua, you are probably looking for Email settings when using Design Editor.

Keywordsemail settings advanced group subject line preview text sender name address bounceback tracking html   Doc ID107720
OwnerRyan S.GroupEloqua Marketing Automation
Created2020-12-09 13:47:21Updated2024-01-18 10:34:09
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Eloqua Marketing Automation
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