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How to Wrap Text Around Images in Emails

Wrapping text around an image takes a bit of knowledge of HTML to get the look you are aiming for in Eloqua.

Normally, the easiest way to put an image in a section of text and an image together is inserting a two box layout box in your email. In one box you add a text content box, and in the other you add an image content box as seen below.


From this simple set up, you can adjust your content box sizes, and the size of the image and its relation to the amount of text next to it to make it appear as though the text is wrapping as it would on a web page. Below are two examples of this method.


For the most part this will work for your email, but at times, there might be strange rendering issues on the client side depending on their email inbox setting. There might be paragraphs that go much longer than the image, gaps between the two column layout and a single column layout , or even a small gap that shows up as a line on your email.


To get around all of these small email issues, instead of designing an email using the design elements in Eloqua, you can add a segment of "Custom Code" to your email, and in this code you can do a traditional wrap using HTML.

Here is what you need to do:

  1. Add a custom code content box to your layout


  1. Find the link of your image that you already have uploaded into your Eloqua images folder. (Note the easiest way to find right click on your image in the folder and select "Open", and it will display the properties of the image. Copy the "Full Image URL"


  1. Back in your custom HTML content box, paste in your type, and where you want your image to display paste in the following line of code:
    <img src="THE URL OF YOUR IMAGE" align="right"> 


Here is the HTML and what it will look like:

Keywordswrap text, html, image wrap, wrapping   Doc ID129059
OwnerSue R.GroupEloqua Marketing Automation
Created2023-06-15 10:33:19Updated2023-12-13 18:03:37
SitesEloqua Marketing Automation
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