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Creating a Permanent Online Version of Your Email

The autogenerated "View Online Version" link found in the header of your email lasts for 120 days. But, sometimes, you need a copy of an email to be available online for longer.

Every Eloqua email has a header with an autogenerated link that allows the reader to view your email as a webpage.

Note: The default header of an email should not ever be changed.

This link is created automatically for you by Eloqua and is one of the many tracked links in your email. However, the View it on the web link expires 120 days after your email is sent. If you need an online version of your email (that can be accessed via web browser) to be available longer than 120 days, you can export your email's HTML code and create an Eloqua landing page.

Before you get started

You want the URL of your new landing page to echo the naming convention already established in your existing landing pages. You may have already created landing pages, or they may be subscription management pages created for you. Please check out the URLs used for those before beginning. 

  1. In Eloqua, navigate to Landing Pages by navigating to Assets > Landing Pages.
  2. Click on All Files in the upper left corner to see all user groups' folders.


  3. Find your user group's folder and double-click it to open it. In that folder, you'll see a list of your landing pages.
  4. Notice the Vanity URL column. You want to keep your new landing page naming conventions consistent. For instance, in the example below, the UW Consortium for Keeping Your Chin Up has landing pages that all begin with keep-. So, new landing pages should start with keep.


  5. Take note of how you should name your soon-to-be-created landing page.

Open the email you want to use

  1. In Assets > Emails, find and open the email you want to change into a permanent (or longer than 120 days) landing page.
  2. In the menu in the upper right corner, navigate to Actions > Export HTML ...


  3. In the pop-up window that appears, ensure Include Eloqua Elements is turned off (the toggle is on the left side). Then click Copy to Clipboard.


Create a new landing page

  1. Now, go to Landing Pages by navigating to Assets > Landing Pages.
  2. On the Overview page, click Create a Landing Page.


  3. In the Template Chooser that pops up, select Blank HTML Landing Page.

    A new landing page editor will open with a code area on the right.


  4. As with every new file, please rename and save your landing page in your user group's folder.
  5. Change the settings of your landing page in the left right corner.
    • Make sure you select in the first dropdown.
    • Your landing page URL will be You get to decide what happens after the edu/.
    • When titling your landing page, follow the naming convention of any previously created landing pages. (For example, if my subscription management pages are lori-subscribe, I would start this URL with lori-).
    • Don't forget spaces are not allowed in URLs!


  6. Select and delete all of the code on the right (starting with <!DOCTYPE html> through </html>. 


    (You can use Ctrl + A to select all of the code, then Delete to clear the text. Do not Ctrl + X, as cutting the code will also copy it.)

  7. Now that the code area is blank, paste (Ctrl + V) your copied email HTML code. You should see your email on the left side of the screen. 
  8. You will want to delete the header that says Trouble viewing this email? View it on the web. since the reader is already viewing it on the web. To do this, select the Trouble viewing this email? text, then right-click. Select Edit Content and then delete that text.


  9. Save your work.
  10. To find your full URL, click on the URL field in the upper left corner.


    A pop-up window will appear.

  11. Click the full URL in that pop-up window, and the new landing page will open in a new tab in your browser. You can preview it and copy and paste the URL from the address window.


Keywordsemail link url page landing web site change deliver expire 120 view online version create   Doc ID109727
OwnerRyan S.GroupEloqua Marketing Automation
Created2021-03-17 14:34:07Updated2024-08-30 10:47:54
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Eloqua Marketing Automation
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