Eloqua Reporting and Analytics Overview

Learn how to understand the results of the campaigns you send using Eloqua's robust reporting and analytics features. There are a few different ways to approach this information in the interface. 

Eloqua offers:

  • 50+ standard reports available to help you understand various aspects of campaigns.

  • The ability to export data to further customize/analyze with Excel, & other applications.

Dashboards & Operational Reports accessible via Eloqua

  • Visual + numeric depictions

  • Data populates immediately

  • Last 3 months=max.

"Insight" Reports accessible via Oracle “Business Intelligence” [linked from Eloqua]

  • Numeric-only depictions

  • Data populates up to 24–48 hours after Eloqua action (refreshes every 12)

  • No history time limit

How to locate the reports:

Access many relevant reports via the Email Asset Interface. Open your email and click on the graph icon on the right sidebar.  This opens up a menu with links to various reports:

Image of Eloqua Email list of links in the right nav. bar

Access Campaign (orchestration) reports via your Campaign interface. Open up your recent campaign to see a dashboard with data and links to more information: 

Image of campaign interface depicting the links to data/reports

Here is how you find the reports from the multi-step campaign interface:

Image of the multi-step Campaign interface depicting the reporting navigation and links

And you can access the numeric-only "Insight Reports" via the links shown in the above images as well as the main Eloqua navigation menus:

  Oracle Insight Report Location/Navigation

Which takes you to the Oracle Business Intelligence landing page:

Image of the Business Intelligence landing page

If you choose, "Catalog," in this Business Intelligence area, you will find some pre-created standard reports for our UW–Madison Eloqua instance. You can modify these reports by narrowing them down to your specific asset or campaign. 

View Webinar Video on this topic:

Learn more and dig deeper on this topic by watching our Eloqua Reporting: Dashboards & Insight Reports
Advanced Training webinar on the Marketing Automation YouTube channel:

YouTube Video Icon and Link

Keywordsreports reporting analytics results data training video webinar advanced   Doc ID135382
OwnerMonica S.GroupEloqua Marketing Automation
Created2024-02-09 16:02:13Updated2024-02-09 17:15:54
SitesEloqua Marketing Automation
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