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InterPro - Online Learning - Web Browsers

InterPro recommends using the most recent version of Chrome (preferred) or Microsoft Edge. Firefox and Safari can be used, but are not recommended.

Recommended Browsers

As a general rule, courses are designed to work on recent and up-to-date computing devices. It is safe to assume that if a computer is less than three years old, the computer will meet the minimum system requirements. However, to avoid any problems, InterPro recommends a modern browser version is used.
The most commonly used and supported web browsers are Chrome (preferred), Microsoft Edge (the latest version, using Chromium), Firefox, and Safari. Download the latest versions by visiting their websites. Note: Chrome and Edge are recommended over Firefox and Safari.

Allow Pop-Ups 

Some courses use pop-up windows. Therefore, pop-up blockers need to be disabled in the browser. Some blockers may be turned off in Windows by right-clicking an icon on the system tray (next to where the clock resides).

Enabled Third Party Cookies

If you experience issues accessing the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra conference rooms or the course overviews, you may find that you need to enable third-party (or cross-tracking) cookies.You can find more information about this issue in the following places:

interpro technology 
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Learning Design and Technologies Team in Interdisciplinary Professional Programs
College of Engineering
Interdisciplinary Professional Programs