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InterPro - Online Learning - InterPro Credit Learners - Library Services

This page discusses library resources available to our online graduate students.
Steenbock Library
Steenbock Library is the home library for students in the Master of Engineering Programs and ispart of the UW-Madison Library System - one of the 10 largest in the United States. Most electronic resources are paid resources that are licensed to UW-Madison students and staff. Many resources require UW NetID authentication. When accessing library resources from off campus, a UW NetID will be needed, and possibly a WiscVPN connection depending on the resource.
Contact UW Libraries
  • As a student of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, library and reference services available to you. Visit the Ask a Librarian website for contact information options including email, phone and chat.
UW Library staff can serve better if they know that you are an online student, rather than an on-campus student. Please let them know that you are a student in a Master of Engineering Online Program when requesting library services. Also see specific information on UW Library Distance Services.
Locate Engineering Resources
Here is a list of engineering-related UW Library Databases, which include popular technical databases such as Engineering Village, IEEEXplore, Web of Science.
Use the Engineering Library Guide to find resources, tools, and tutorials related to:
  • Articles (full-text, citations, abstracts)
  • eBooks and Encyclopedias
  • Patents & Government Docs
  • Standards & Technical Reports
  • Conference Proceedings
  • Dissertations
Use System-Wide Library Tools
Receive Articles and Books via InterLibrary Loan
Interlibrary Loan makes any article an electronic article. Interlibrary Loan will email a PDF copy of any article, conference paper, or book chapter that is not already available electronically the you UW email address. Electronic book chapters can be received much quicker than getting a whole book mailed. See the UW-Madison Libraries Interlibrary loan website for more information and frequently asked questions.

library, databases, steenbock, loan 
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Learning Design and Technologies Team in Interdisciplinary Professional Programs
College of Engineering
Interdisciplinary Professional Programs