Staff - Governance Resources

UW Madison has many resources to help you understand how governance works on our campus.

Who are Academic Staff?

Who are University Staff?

University Resources for Academic Staff

Academic Staff Assembly (ASA): about, meetings

Distinguished Status

Governance Knowledgebase: ASA minutes, agendas, white papers

Governance Overview: definition

Personnel: dual-role waiver, compensation, job security, layoffs, appeals, hostile & intimidating behavior, 

Personnel Files: what should be included and excluded in your personnel file

Policies and Procedures

Professional Development: grants, awards, academic staff institute, mentoring

Resources: policies and procedures, title and status, employment and personnel, AS organizations

University Resources for University Staff


Performance Evaluations

Personnel Files: what should be included and excluded in your personnel file

Other University Resources

Employee Personnel Files

Human Resources Office: title and total compensation study, performance management and development program, benefits services, talent management

Human Resources Policies

Privileges for Retirees and Emeriti

Title and Standard Job Description Library

College of Engineering Resources

CASI (Committee on Academic Staff Issues): AS policy and procedure formulation advising

Human Resources: performance management guidelines, smart goals

Inclusion, Equity, Diversity in Engineering

University Staff, Academic Staff, title change, promotion, salary increase, shared governance, governance, Academic Staff Assembly, College of Engineering, human resources 
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Lauranne B. in Interdisciplinary Professional Programs
College of Engineering
Interdisciplinary Professional Programs