InterPro - How to Create Anchor Tags and Links

If you need to link to a specific section within a document, you can do so by using an anchor and a link that points to that anchor. This document contains step-by-step instructions on how to add anchor tags and links to your documents, both in the classic KB editor and the new KB editor.

Classic Editor

Refer to KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - How to Create Anchor Tags and Links.

New Editor

The new editor became an option for users in the KB Admin around Summer 2020. As of November 2020, both the classic and new editors are still available for use, but this might be subject to change in the future. The below instructions are adapted from the KB User's Guide documentation linked above.

1. Create the anchor for the section that you would like to link to.

  • Enter the text that will serve as the anchor and select it. Usually this is the heading for your section. Click the Anchor button on the WYSIWYG Editor.


  • Enter an anchor name. This should be one word with no spaces. Write down and/or remember the anchor name because this will be referenced when creating the link. Click OK.


  • Enter an anchor title. This should roughly match the heading of the section or otherwise describe the content near the anchor. You will not need to remember the anchor title. Click OK.


  • The highlighted text should now be preceded with an anchor icon and be subtly underlined. This means that your anchor has been successfully inserted.


2. Create a link to your anchor, choosing one of the below options:

Link to Anchor on Same KB Document

  • Type the text that will serve as the link. Highlight the text and click the Link button on the WYSYWIG Editor.


  • Enter the target URL of the link. This should be the name of the anchor you enter previously prefaced with a # character. It is recommended to not check the box for "Open in new tab," as you will be staying within the same KB document. Click Insert.


  • You will notice that the text will turn blue, showing that the link is set up.


  • You can click on the blue text to change the style, edit the link, or remove the link. It will turn red once you are clicked in and you will see the different options pop up.


Link to Anchor on Another KB Document

  • Type the text that will serve as the link. Highlight the text and click the Link button on the WYSYWIG Editor.


  • Enter the target URL of the link. This will be the last part of the URL of the outside KB document (for example: page.php?id=12345#anchorname). Make sure the "id=" matches the ID of the outside KB document. At the end of the URL, you will add the name of the anchor you previously created prefaced with a # character. You might want to check the box for "Open in new tab," if you would like to open the outside KB document in a new tab. Click Insert.


  • You will notice that the text will turn blue, showing that the link is set up. 


  • You can click on the blue text to change the style, edit the link, or remove the link.


Keywordsanchor link tag anchors add skip ahead   Doc ID107173
OwnerLearning Design and Technologies TeamGroupInterdisciplinary Professional Programs
College of Engineering
Created2020-11-13 14:59:16Updated2022-03-07 09:12:21
SitesInterdisciplinary Professional Programs
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