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Kaltura Video Quiz
The Kaltura Video Quiz tool is used by faculty and staff to embed multiple choice, true/false, and open-ended questions, and reflection points directly into Kaltura videos. Media containing video quiz questions can then be linked to or embedded in a Canvas course or website.
Kaltura Video Quiz is available in UW-Madison Kaltura MediaSpace to those with a UWNet ID (Kaltura - How to Log in to Kaltura MediaSpace (UW-Madison)).
Additionally, the UW-Madison Canvas learning management system features integration with Kaltura Mediaspace (Kaltera - Overview (UW-Madison)).
Application and Limitations
Adding a Kaltura video quiz to media creates interactivity and increases viewer engagement by embedding questions directly into the video at opportune moments. Users receive immediate feedback about whether or not they understood the information presented in the video while allowing instructors to monitor learner participation and responses.
After a Kaltura video quiz has been created it may be added as an assignment in Canvas that connects to the Canvas course's gradebook. Multiple choice and true/false questions can be automatically graded and sent to the gradebook while open-ended questions must first be reviewed by the instructor. Embedded reflection points do not require a viewer response.
Additional information is available in Kaltura's document Kaltura Video Quiz Canvas Gradebook User Guide.
As always, content must comply with campus policies.
Avoid these Pitfalls
Due to reliability issues, we recommend using Kaltura video quizzes for formative, ungraded, student self-assessment and preparation only. Before using this integration, we recommend reading the following documents in their entirety.
- Canvas - Adding a Kaltura video quiz as a Canvas course assignment
- Kaltura - Known Issue - Kaltura video quizzes sometimes don't sent a grade to the Canvas gradebook
Getting Started
Best Practices / FAQ
We recommend using the Kaltura Video Quiz tool in videos with a maximum length of 15 minutes. See Kaltura - Effective practices for creating audio, video, or online lecture material for a course.
Selecting the "No seeking forward" function prevents students from using the skip bar to navigate past the point in the video that they have viewed, a feature which some instructors may find desirable. Note that selecting the "No seeking forward" function reduces student control and can make troubleshooting video quizzes more difficult.
- Kaltura - How to Log in to Kaltura MediaSpace (UW-Madison)
- Kaltura - Adding questions to your video with Kaltura video quizzes (UW-Madison)
- Creating Kaltura video quizzes
- Editing quiz settings
- Adding questions to your video quiz
- Editing an existing Kaltura video quiz
- Integrating video quizzes with Canvas
- Kaltura video quiz example