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InterPro - Teaching Resources for Instructors - Credit Course Development - How to Archive Course Material
After a course is complete, the course files are archived for future reference.
At the completion of a course, InterPro archives all of the files by making a copy and saving them in an archive folder. Once the materials are archived, edits can be made for the next offering. Because InterPro online course files and folders are linked directly from Box into the learning management system, the links to the files need to be preserved from course to course, semester to semester. So, rather than move the whole folder and begin with brand new files, InterPro makes a copy of the current files and then renames the original folder for the next offering. For example, the Summer 2018 course files are copied into the Previous Course Materials folder by semester and the original folder is renamed for the upcoming semester, Fall 2018. Then edits are made.
1. Within the Course Development Folder, go to the Previous Course Material (by semester) Folder.
Note: This folder may be called "Archived Course Materials."

2. Within the Previous Course Materials (by semester) folder, create a new folder and name it with the previous offering's semester and year (i.e. Su18).

Note: Once the folder is created, it should look something like this (the file name may vary):

3. Return to the Course Development folder and multi-select the course material folders to be copied.
Note: Use the key commands to multi select. [Add key commands for mac and windows.]

4. After selections are made, copy them to the destination folder using the Move or Copy function.

5. Find the destination folder (the Su18 folder within the Previous Course Materials folder) and select the Copy option.

6. Return to the main Course Development Folder.
7. Rename the original folder to the upcoming course offering's semester and year (i.e. Fa18)

8. Once the folder is renamed, the archive process is complete and new edits can be made.