InterPro - Technology - Microsoft Planner - Organizing Planner Tasks Using Group By and Filter

This document explains how the group by and filter functions can be used in Planner.

After adding tasks, you can sort them and add various filters using the "Group by" and "Filter" functions in Planner. These tools can be accessed in the upper right hand corner of the screen when viewing a plan.

View of Planner in Teams

Group by

To change to a different grouping, click on "Group by Bucket" and select a different option.

Organize tasks using Group by
   Overview of Options:
  • Bucket: Planner's default
  • Assigned to: creates a bucket for each person and lists every task assigned to them, in addition to an "Unassigned" bucket for unassigned tasks
  • Progress: organizes tasks by their progress label (Not started, In progress, and Completed)
  • Due date: groups by Late, This week, Next week, or Future based on due date
  • Labels: groups according to label, and puts unlabeled tasks in an "Uncategorized" bucket
  • Priority: groups by Urgent, Important, Medium, and Low priorities


Sort tasks using Filter

  • The Filter tool finds tasks of interest, and excludes the rest from view
  • Planner allows you to select as many filters as desired
  • Click on a filter to add it, and click again to remove
  • To clear all filters, click "Clear" in the upper right corner of the "Filter" box
     Overview of Options:
    • Keyword: searching extracts all tasks that contain the keyword in their task name
    • Due: filter by Late, Today, Tomorrow, This week, Next week, Future, or No date
    • Priority: filter by Urgent, Important, Medium, or Low
    • Label: select specific labels to filter
    • Bucket: select specific buckets to view
    • Assignment: select certain group members to view their assigned tasks

Group by and Filter can be used together at the same time. For example, you can group by "Assigned to" and filter with "Urgent" to quickly see which team members have time-sensitive tasks (and how many) in order to help them finish as soon as possible.

For more on other features in Microsoft Planner, see [Link for document 91459 is unavailable at this time]

KeywordsEPD ms office365 microsoft sort teams   Doc ID91630
OwnerInterPro Program SupportGroupInterdisciplinary Professional Programs
College of Engineering
Created2019-05-08 11:49:14Updated2021-06-30 16:02:40
SitesInterdisciplinary Professional Programs
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