Results: 1-20 of 114

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1InterPro - Online Learning - Tools & Technology - Zoom1056962024-11-122320
2InterPro - Teaching & Learning - Accessibility - Captioning1031972024-11-122017
3InterPro - Teaching & Learning - Tools & Technology - Atomic Assessments1022582024-11-121350
4InterPro - Teaching & Learning - Tools & Technology - Piazza1016722024-11-122957
5InterPro - Teaching & Learning - Tools & Technology - Turnitin1015562024-11-122443
6InterPro - Teaching and Learning - Creating Rubrics and Scoring Guides1043862024-11-013685
7InterPro - Online Learning - InterPro Credit Learners - How to Purchase, Download, and Install Parallels for Mac921362024-11-016103
8InterPro - Online Learning - Tools & Technology - Recorded Presentations - Sharing a Camtasia Project File (Windows)425352024-10-304866
9InterPro - Teaching & Learning - Tools & Technology - Captioning Tips for Google Drive1066402024-10-231815
10InterPro - Identify Course Goals709562024-10-172711
11InterPro - Online Learning - Enable Third Party Cookies1094462024-09-302023
12InterPro - Teaching Resources for Instructors - How to Create and Share Your Course Material927522024-09-272019
13InterPro - Online Learning - Tools & Technology - Recorded Presentations - Using Camtasia to Create Recorded Presentations425322024-09-257567
14InterPro - Teaching & Learning - Tools & Technology - Getting Started with Camtasia1015952024-09-252682
15InterPro - Online Learning - Tools & Technology - Recorded Presentations - Sharing a Camtasia Project File (Mac)425342024-09-254950
16InterPro - Online Learning - Tools & Technology - Recorded Presentations - Exporting a Camtasia Project File to MP4 Video File571042024-09-257126
17InterPro - Online Learning - InterPro Credit Learners - XenApp - Transferring Files between XenApp Using Citrix Light and Local Computer885772024-09-232269
18InterPro - Teaching & Learning - Tools & Technology - UW-Madison Zoom Workplace - Zoom Whiteboard1412472024-09-15236
19InterPro - Online Learning - Tools & Technology - Canvas - Canvas LMS Quick Start for InterPro Online Instructors662362024-09-035131
20InterPro - Teaching & Learning - Tools & Technology - Zoom Polls and Quizzes1207202024-08-291337
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