College of Engineering Classroom Recording and Equipment Setup
A guide to using the equipment and recorders in the CoE
COVID Cleaning
Please note that there should disinfectant cleaning supplies in these rooms for your use to clean off any equipment used including the microphone, podium touch panel, and CAE computer keyboard and mouse.
The College of Engineering has 3 different types of class recording rooms. Please follow the instructions for your classroom.
A few things to remember and some general advice:
- You will need to use the microphone as well as 'start'/'stop' the recorder via the AMX touch panel controls found on the podium
- It will not capture anything written on the glassboards- I would suggest using the document camera for handwritten materials
- Use the mouse or a stylus to direct attention when using a computer/laptop/ or the document camera (avoid laser pointers and hand gestures towards the screen)
- Repeat in-room questions for online students since we can only capture your audio via the microphone
- You will need to use the microphone as well as 'start'/'stop' the recorder via the AMX touch panel controls found on the podium
- It will not capture anything written on the glassboards- I would suggest using the document camera for handwritten materials
- Use the mouse or a stylus to direct attention when using a computer/laptop/ or the document camera (avoid laser pointers and hand gestures towards the screen)
- Repeat in-room questions for online students since we can only capture your audio via the microphone
1.) EMS Assisted Recording Rooms:
These rooms are recorded in a central location by EMS and need to staffed.
ECB 1003 (Tong)
EH 1610
EH 1800
ME 1106
ME 1153
ME 1163
Recordings in these rooms will need to be scheduled with EMS.
Please contact Engineering Media Services by emailing and provide the following information:
Instructor name & contact information
Course number and title
Please contact Engineering Media Services by emailing and provide the following information:
Instructor name & contact information
Course number and title
Days and times class will need recording
Room location (from above).
Room location (from above).
2.) Self-record Systems:
Recordings in these rooms are started and stopped by the instructor in the room.
EH 1227
EH 2317
EH 2534
ME 1143
ME 1152
ME 1156
ME 1164
MSE 265
Recordings in these rooms will need to be scheduled and added to the room system for them to work. If they are not scheduled you won't be able to record.
Please contact Engineering Media Services by emailing and provide the following information:
Instructor name & contact information
Course number and title
Course number and title
Days and times class will need recording
Room location (from above).
Room location (from above).
See this document for instructions on using the self record system:
If you need to setup for this system, please follow instructions here:
Recordings in these rooms are at your discretion.
You will need to provide a laptop for the recordings, except the CAE labs. In the CAE labs you will need to use the instructor computer for recording.
CAE labs will have the document camera, doc cam software, and microphone all ready installed on the system.
CAE labs will have the document camera, doc cam software, and microphone all ready installed on the system.
Microphones (fall 2020)
Campus has purchased and handed out microhpones for all instructors based on assigned rooms. These are personal microphones and should not be shared with others. Please bring them with you to class and take them after class.
Please note: If you don't bring your mic to class, there will not be extras for you to use in the rooms.
PGA31 Headsets

Bietrun Wireless to be used with ION speakers

Giecy or Zoweetek Amplifier
Campus Documents that might be helpful:
Best Practices
-Keep room lights at full intensity-Use the mouse or a stylus to direct attention when using a computer or document camera
-Repeat in-room questions (when applicable) for online students (because in most cases, there are no ambient room microphones)
If you experience any technical issues with the podium lecture capture or room control equipment, contact Engineering Media Services by calling (608) 890-3325 or emailing .
If you experience any technical issues with the podium computer, contact Computer-Aided Engineering by calling (608) 262-5349 or emailing .