Environment Modules

This document describes the Environment Modules system, how to use it, and how it benefits users of the research servers.

What is Environment Modules?

Environment Modules(EM) is a tool that simplifies modifying your shell environment.  Each module defines the changes to be made to the user's shell environment(PATHs, environment variables, aliases, etc). Modules can be loaded and unloaded to enable and disable software packages or specific versions of software packages.

Through EM you almost instantly switch between different versions of a software package or library. You can have multiple modules loaded at any one time. In fact, a module may depend on another module and load it automatically. You can also define "collections" of modules and save them so you can later load the entire collection.


The only requirement is that you use the Bash shell which the default for most users. If you are using CSH, Tcsh, or another shell please contact the Math Department IT staff and we'll work with you to determine the best way forward.

How To use EM?

The commands: ml and module

The ml command acts as a shortcut  to the module command thus it supports all the command line switches and module sub-commands that are supported by module. We'll use the ml command in all following examples as it is shorter and supports a few additional features.

Available Modules

To list all available modules, simply run ml avail:

youser@server:~$ ml avail  
-------- /usr/local/modules/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64_v4 --------
cuda/11.8.0-isnefyp  cuda/12.2.1-zl7h6i4  

-------- /usr/local/modules/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64_v3 --------

-------- /usr/local/modules/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64_v2 --------

---------------------- /usr/local/modules/main -----------------------
bertini/1.6         magma/2.28-2-auto          magma/latest-auto  
bertini/2.0-alpha6  magma/2.28-2-avx           maple/2021         
bertini/2.0-HEAD    magma/2.28-2-avx2          maple/2023         
dedalus/3.0.2       magma/2.28-4-auto          maple/2024         
dedalus/latest      magma/2.28-4-avx           mathematica/13.2   
gap/4.12.0          magma/2.28-4-avx2          mathematica/13.3   
gap/4.12.2          magma/2.28-4-avx2-cuda11   mathematica/14.1   
gap/4.13.1          magma/2.28-6-auto          matlab/2023b       
julia/1.6.7         magma/2.28-6-avx           matlab/2024a       
julia/1.9.4         magma/2.28-6-avx2          phc/2.4.74         
julia/1.10.1        magma/2.28-6-avx2-cuda11   phc/2.4.89         
julia/1.10.4        magma/2.28-11-auto         phc/2.4.90         
julia/latest        magma/2.28-11-avx          sage/10.0          
julia/lts           magma/2.28-11-avx2         sage/10.3          
lean/4.8.0          magma/2.28-11-avx2-cuda11  

------------------- /usr/local/Modules/modulefiles -------------------
dot  module-git  module-info  modules  null  use.own

Tip: You can abbreviate 'avail' as 'av'

Deciphering module lists

Modules are grouped into folders by the operating system and CPU architecture they are for. Example:

-------- /usr/local/modules/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64_v3 --------

In the above example the modules are for:

  • Linux
  • of the Ubuntu type at version 22.04
  • running on an x86 64 bit processor
  • of the v3 architecture type

Other modules you'll see have their hardware requirements in their name. This is currently limited to our Magma programs:

magma/2.28-6-auto -  this one auto-detects which one of the following to use
magma/2.28-2-avx - For CPUs that support the AVX SIMD instruction
magma/2.28-2-avx2 - For CPUs that support the AVX2 SIMD instruction
magma/2.28-2-avx2-cuda11 - For CPUs that support the AVX2 SIMD instruction and systems with GPUs and CUDA11 installed

And further still, modules can list the compiler and libraries that were used when they were compiled. For example "intel-mpi-benchmarks/2021.3-intel-oneapi-mpi-2021.10.0-x2j7lky" is:

  • The intel-mpi-benchmarks software package
  • Version 2021.3
  • Linked with the intel-oneapi-mpi library version 2021.10.0
  • The 7 character string at the end of the module names above are the first 7 characters of a hash generated from the parameters used to compile the package. It just ensures uniqueness. If the hash changes then you know the package has been updated in some way.


Loading a Module and Listing Loaded Modules

To load a module just list it's full name (name/version) on the ml command. Multiple modules can be loaded this way:

youser@server:~$ ml julia/1.10.1 boost/1.84.0

To list loaded modules just run ml with no arguments:

youser@server:~$ ml
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) julia/1.10.1   2) boost/1.84.0  

Module Information

To get some information on a module

youser@server:~$ ml whatis julia/latest 
-------------------------------------- /usr/local/modules/main --------------------------------------
        julia/latest: Julia V1.11.1 - The Julia programming language

More information may be available using the help command:

youser@server:~$ ml help maple/2024
Module Specific Help for /usr/local/modules/main/maple/2024:

 Maple 2024
   Run: maple
   Or, run: maple yourfile.mpl 
 See: https://www.maplesoft.com/products/Maple/ 

Tip: You can abbreviate 'whatis' to 'wh'

Tip: At any time you can use the TAB key to auto-complete the ml command. Double-tapping TAB will show you the current possible completions. Try: ml magma<TAB><TAB> <TAB><TAB>

Unloading a Module

To remove a module from the shell environment prefix the name with a minus sign:
youser@server:~$ ml -boost/1.84.0 
youser@server:~$ ml
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) julia/1.10.1 

Swapping a module

To switch modules in one command:

youser@server:~$ ml swap julia/1.10.1 julia/lts
youser@server:~$ ml
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) julia/lts 

Or in this case we are swapping a module of the same name for a different version so just give it the new version:

youser@server:~$ ml swap julia/lts

Removing all modules

youser@server:~$ ml purge

Fixing Problems

There may be times when your shell environment gets changed in a way that causes problems. For example an environment variable set by loading a module is changed and this causes the module to not function properly. You can reload all modules using the reload command to fix this:

youser@server:~$ echo $GAP_DIR

youser@server:~$ ml gap/4.12.0
youser@server:~$ echo $GAP_DIR
youser@server:~$ unset GAP_DIR # We just broke it!
youser@server:~$ echo $GAP_DIR # Oh noes!

youser@server:~$ ml reload # reload to the rescue
youser@server:~$ echo $GAP_DIR # Yay!

Advanced Usage

Creating Collections for Later Use

Lets say you have some projects that each use a number of modules. In order to set up your shell environment to work in one project or to switch between them projects requires some EM commands that you need to remember. You can bundle the requirements into "collections" and recall those with a single command.

Create a Collection

youser@server:~$ ml boost/1.84.0 fftw/3.3.10-avx2 intel-oneapi julia/1.10.1
youser@server:~$ ml
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) boost/1.84.0   2) fftw/3.3.10-avx2   3) intel-oneapi   4) julia/1.10.1  
youser@server:~$ ml save project1
youser@server:~$ ml purge
youser@server:~$ ml

Load a Collection

youser@server:~$ ml restore project1
Loading boost/1.84.0
Loading fftw/3.3.10-avx2
Loading intel-oneapi
Loading julia/1.10.1

List Collections

youser@server:~$ ml savelist
Named collection list:
 1) project1  

Delete a Collection

youser@server:~$ ml saverm project1
youser@server:~$ ml savelist
No named collection.

Using Modules in Scripts

If you want to activate modules in Bash scripts you can just add the required commands to the script. Take note: If you load modules on the command line and then run a shell script those modules will continue to be loaded for that script as your shell environment at the command line is inherited by the shell script.


ml maple/2023

# The rest of the script...

Other Things to Note

  • You can only load one version of a module at a time
  • Some modules cannot be loaded at the same time because their software conflicts. This is usually due to Conda-based installations.
  • Some modules will work only on certain servers because there are CPU and/or GPU requirements. These requirements are usually made clear in the module name.

Summary of Demonstrated Commands

Summary of Demonstrated Commands
Command Use
ml List loaded modules
ml avail List available modules
ml <module name/version> ... Load modules
ml -<module name/version> ... Unload modules
ml whatis <module name/version> Display brief module information
ml help <module name/version> Display module help information
ml swap <module name>
OR ml swap <module name/version> <module name/version>
Swap a loaded module with another one
ml purge Unload all loaded modules
ml reload Reload all modules
ml save <collection name> Create a collection of modules
ml savelist Lists saved collections
ml restore <collection name> Load a collection of modules
ml saverm <collection name> Delete a collection

A Simple Example

You have done some work with Magma 2.28-2-avx2 previously and after modifying your code you tested it again on 2.28-11-avx2 and you get different results. After verifying that your code should be correct you wanted to test it on the version of Magma you first used and on an intermediate version. You would do this:

$ ml magma/2.28-2-avx2
$ magma your-code.magma
# results here
$ ml swap magma magma/2.28-6-avx2
$ magma your-code.magma
# results here

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When will Environment Modules(EM) be available?
    • It's available right now.
  • Why should I use EM?
    • If you are going to be working on the Math Department's research servers after summer of 2025 EM will be the only (easy) means of using some software.
  • Can I create my own modules for software in my home folder?

Where to Get More Information

Command help: module help

Manual page(advanced): man module


Web pages:

Requesting Additional Software

Contact the Math Department IT staff if there is any software(including libraries, build tools, languages, etc) you would like installed on the servers: mathitstaff@g-groups.wisc.edu

linux server software environment bash modules 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Erik M. in UW Math Department
UW Math Department