Topics Map > Operational Support Resources > 4.6 Financial Services
Topics Map > Supervisor Toolkit > 2.5 Contracts & Agreements > 2.5.1 General Signatory Agreements (GSA)
Contracts & Agreements - General Signatory Agreements (GSA) - UW-Madison Business Services Review & Approval
Agreements submitted through the GSA workflow that are fully approved by Extension will be sent to UW-Madison Business Services. The General Signatory Authority will review and (depending on the outcome of the review) sign the agreement. Fully-executed agreements should be returned to Extension's Chief Financial Officer.
Division of Extension Point of Contact
- Any questions from the Requestor or Supervisor regarding the status of the approval should be sent to
UW-Madison Business Services Point of Contact
- Following Extension review and approval the document set containing the cover sheet and agreement will be sent to the point of contact (POC) at UW-Madison Business Services.
- The cover sheet and agreement will undergo UW-Madison Business Services internal review and approval process.
- The POC will Cc the Requestor, Supervisor, and Extension Chief Financial Office when sending a signed agreement to the Outside Signatory.
- If there are any questions regarding the agreement, the POC will contact the Requestor.
Uploading Fully-Executed Agreements
- The Requestor is responsible for making sure that the fully-executed agreement gets back to Extension's Chief Financial Officer (CFO).
- Extension's CFO will upload fully-executed agreements.
- LINK TO GSA SharePoint Site
- Click "View Fully-Executed Agreements"
![/images/group419/shared/GSAWorkflow/NEWViewFullyExecutedAgreements.png Click "View Fully-Executed Agreements"](/images/group419/shared/GSAWorkflow/NEWViewFullyExecutedAgreements.png)
- Click "Upload" and select the fully-executed agreement file to upload.