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Digital Badges for Extension Programs
Digital Badges
Digital Badges are an exciting way to provide Extension programs with an officially recognized way to award learners with an individual award recognition of accomplishment. They are the 21st century version of the printed certificate of accomplishment, and in fact can also include a printable certificate.
A UW-Madison Digital Badge is a validated record of demonstrated competency over and above participation. The record contains detailed metadata about achievements such as who earned it, who issued it, the criteria required to earn it, and as possible the evidence and assessment of the relevant skills.
Extension update to our Digital Credential service
We have joined forces with the Division of Continuing Studies (DCS) to migrate all existing Extension digital credentials to the DCS instance of Canvas Credentials. This merger took place as of July 1, 2024.
What does this mean for your existing learners?
Nothing will change. Their digital credentials will still be available to them in their Canvas Credentials backpack.
What does this mean for new learners earning existing badges?
We will now be able to refer to them as badges, instead of digital credentials. When Extension ran its own service, we were not allowed to use the term “badge.” But, as a part of the DCS service, we can use that term. Extension will be listed as an issuer in the UW-Madison list of digital badge issuers. The icon used for existing badges will stay the same.
What does this mean if I want to offer a new badge?
To offer a new badge, it will need to meet the requirements set forth in the UW-Madison Badge Policy. All of our existing badges already met these requirements.
How will your workflow change?
You will no longer use the Extension badge proposal workflow. Instead, you will need to propose the badge using the Lumen Badge Proposal System. If it is your first time using the Lumen system, you will need to request access.
New badges will have the UW-Madison look and feel. They will look like the Entrepreneurial Excellence - Defy Ventures Bootcamp badge.
You will be given access to Canvas Credentials and you will be responsible for awarding your own badges. You will no longer submit lists of awardees to the Office of Digital Solutions (ODS).
What will this cost?
Extension is centrally funding badges up to Tier 2 (which includes unlimited new badge creation and up to 1500 badge awards). When you propose a new badge, the Extension divisional approver (Christine Rybak) will reach out to you to discuss the number of badges you intend to award as well as to ensure programmatic leadership approval of the badge. If you intend to award a large number of badges, we will discuss costs. If you are awarding a small number of badges, it is likely that this service will be free for you.
If you have questions, please contact