Topics Map > Programming Policy & Guidance > 3.1 Institute & Programming Structure
Topics Map > Supervisor Toolkit > 2.3 Employment Changes
Program Affiliation Changes within Institute - Institute Director Instructions
- These instructions must be completed by the relevant Extension Institute Director
- Primary program affiliations must have an effective date at the start of a pay period.
- This workflow is designed to submit the following types of updates:
- Primary affiliation changes within institute
- Secondary affiliation changes within institute
- Adding a secondary affiliation
- Removing a secondary affiliation
- Changing a secondary affiliation
- Primary AND secondary affiliation changes within institute
1) Create a New Change Request
- Navigate to the Program Affiliation Change Approval Site.
- Create a new Change Request by selecting "Create Change Request"
2) Fill out Required Information
Employee Information
Title: Please enter a title for the request. The title should contain information regarding the approval request such as last name name of the employee whose affiliation will change, the type of affiliation change, and the date of the request. (e.g. [LAST NAME] - [CHANGE(S)] - [MM/DD/YEAR]).
Employee Seeking Change: Type in the name of the employee who the primary and/or secondary program affiliation change will apply to (search by email address and select).
Employee's Job Title: Enter the employee's job title (e.g. Outreach Specialist)
Primary Affiliation Change Information
- Answer "Yes" if you would like to update a primary affiliation.
- Answer "No" if you would only like to update a secondary affiliation.
Current Primary Affiliation: Select the employee's current primary affiliation. Select the employee's new program affiliation.
Proposed Primary Affiliation: Select the employee's new program affiliation.
Secondary Affiliation Change Information
Select the type of proposed Secondary Affiliation Change
- No Change: You are not requesting a secondary affiliation change.
- Add a Secondary Program Affiliation: Add a secondary affiliation for an individual who does not already have one.
- Remove a Secondary Program Affiliation: Remove an existing secondary affiliation from an individual who has one.
- Change a Secondary Program Affiliation: Change an individual's existing secondary affiliation.
Fill out the Required Information for the Secondary Affiliation Change
Approval Information
Enter the remaining information required for review and approval.
Proposed Effective Date: Select the start of a pay period.
Justification: Write a brief justification for the proposed changes.
Immediate Supervisor and/or AED of Employee: Search for the employee's supervisor and/or Area Extension Director and select for approval process.
3) Save Change Request
Make sure to "Save" your request when you have finished filling out the form.
4) Submit Change Request for Review & Approval
- Navigate to the View & Submit Change Requests (you will be directed there after saving your request.
- Find your request and request approval
![Submit the request for review and approval.](/images/group419/106409/RequestApproval-ProgramAffiliationChange.png)