4.5 Office of Digital Solutions :: Office of Digital Solutions - Extension IT helpdesk support
The Office of Digital Solutions contributes to the Division of Extension’s success in the digital age by collaborating, leading, and coaching around technology and data to enhance educational programs, operational efficiency, and overall impact. 

Looking for Educational Technology Support (ETS)? That's us! We've grown and have a new name. 

There are several ways to reach us for help and staying informed of new tech and trainings.

IT helpdesk support

All initial support requests will go through the UW Madison DoIT Helpdesk. If the DoIT Helpdesk cannot answer the question, they will escalate it to the ETS Incident Resolution Team. The DoIT Helpdesk has staff available from 7 am to 11 pm, 7 days a week, and can be reached in the following ways:

Website: https://it.wisc.edu/help/

Phone: 608.264.4357

Email: helpdesk@extension.wisc.edu

Live Chat: https://helpdesk.wisc.edu/chat

When contacting the DoIT Helpdesk, it is important that you identify yourself as being in the Division of Extension. This is vital as it assists the DoIT Helpdesk to route your issue to the Division of Extension Educational Technology Support team as needed.

Need Help with Your Computer?

If your computer is managed by your county IT staff, please contact your local county IT support.

If your computer name starts with EXT-, your computer is managed by DoIT Desktop Support. Please contact them at the Contract Partner support options, or email support@doit.wisc.edu.

For all other computer requests, please email helpdesk@extension.wisc.edu.

Office Hours

Canvas Concerns? Qualtrics Questions? WordPress Woes?

Office hours are an open Zoom meeting where you can join, ask a question, get an answer, and leave – no commitment to participate for the full amount of time.

Office Hours occur Monday through Friday at 9 -9:30 a.m.

SharePoint site

The Office of Digital Solutions SharePoint site features tech news, a training calendar, just-in-time "brush up" videos, and tech tips.

Results: 1-20 of 38

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Office of Digital Solutions - Extension IT helpdesk support1483022025-02-1741
2Extension SharePoint Login Instructions1483102025-02-1366
3Computer Equipment Allocation Policy1475792025-01-23117
4H5P Interactive Canvas and Web Content1123362025-01-131318
5Email Lists - Operations952642025-01-021547
6IT Resources - Adobe Creative Cloud - Licenses for Zero-Dollar Appointments1470992024-12-23227
7Canva use in Extension1118272024-12-205071
8What Goes Where? - Extension IT platforms1232962024-12-201003
9Calendars in Extension - comparing options1282922024-12-20635
10Digital Badges for Extension Programs1232802024-12-201258
11Microsoft Teams in Extension1162532024-12-201010
12SoundCloud - Request an Extension SoundCloud Account968512024-12-201222
13Canvas - Extension Canvas Courses1058792024-12-201317
14O365 - Extension Email Address Format946362024-12-202394
15YouTube - Extension's Official Internal and Public YouTube channels1086092024-12-201361
16Division of Extension - Cybersecurity Practices1063932024-12-201061
17YouTube - Submitting video to Extension's YouTube Channels1086102024-12-202090
18VoIP/Cellular Services - Policy954992024-12-203017
19Hardware - Supported PC Laptop/Desktop and Printers978962024-12-202173
20Zoom - Distance Communication Options for Non-Extension991722024-12-20994
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