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Reserving a Workspace or Room in the EMS

Step-by-step documentation on how to request a work or meeting space.

To request a workspace or meeting space (conference room, huddle space, etc), please follow the steps outlined below:

  • Open a web browser and navigate to the EMS site where you will be prompted to enter your NetID login details:
  • The EMS homepage displays the following content at a glance:   
    • Spaces available for reservation are listed under the "My Home" heading on the EMS homepage.
    • Existing reservations are displayed under the "My Bookings" heading further down the page.

Create a Reservation

From the "Home" or the "Create A Reservation" menu options (on the left-hand sidebar menu), select the "Book now" button on the right-hand side of the page to see the list of available spaces. Screenshot of the book now button on the EMS home or create reservation pages

Please note that the spaces available for reservation are based on your department/division.   As a result, the choices listed on your homepage and those that will appear in a search will be different than the screenshot examples used here.  Please contact your department/division EMS administrator if you feel there is an error in the list of available spaces.

On the resulting "New Booking" page, narrow the search by following the steps below: 

  1. A date for the reservation
  2. A start and end time
  3. Select "Search" to see a list of all available spaces that meet that criteria. 

Screenshot of date, time start and end and search functions and button.

Select a Space to Reserve

After searching for a space based on the date and times selected, the following features are available for additional information: 

Screenshot of the search results page and available views and details.

  1. The "List" and "Schedule" tabs at the top of the center column of the page allow you to see available spaces as a list or as a calendar view, respectively.
  2. Selecting the hyperlinked room title will display a pop-up window with details about the space with the following tabs:
    • "Room Details" displays the room description.
    • "Features" (not available for all rooms) displays a list of audio-visual and other technology available in the space.
    • "Availability" displays a calendar view of availability for the space.

  Screenshot of pop up window with three tabs for details about room/sapce

    • Select the "Close" button when ready to close the pop-up window.
  1. The white and green plus symbol next to the space title will allow you to add the space to your virtual cart for reservation. Another pop-up window will appear prompting you to confirm the selection.
    1. Enter the number of attendees. 
    2. For the "Setup Type", "no preference" can be left as the default as most rooms will have a default set-up without other options available.
    3. Select the "Add Room" button.  Screenshot of the pop-up window to add the room to the cart. 

Completing the Reservation 

After adding the selected space to your cart, select the "Next Step" button on the right-hand side of the page.

Screenshot of next step button

You will then be prompted to fill in the following required reservation details on the "Reservation Details" page:

  1. Provide a name for your reservation.
  2. Select the type reservation from the drop-down menu. 
  3. Select a group from the drop-down menu (there will likely only be one available option).
  4. Enter your name.
  5. Enter your phone number. 
  6. Enter your email.

Screenshot of the reservation details page showing fields to be compelted.

After completing the required fields, select one of the "Create Reservation" buttons available at both the top and bottom of the page on the right-hand side. 

Screenshot of the create reservation buttons on the page.

After creating the reservation, a "Reservation Created" confirmation page should display. 

Screenshot of the reservation confirmation page

You have now completed the EMS reservation process.  The steps below are informational.  

The reservation confirmation page will also display two hyperlinks for possible next steps: 

Screenshot of registration confirmation with numbers next to available hyperlinks

  1. The "Add to my calendar" hyperlink will download an Outlook compatible file. 
    • We recommend setting the "Show as" element to "Free" when you add the reservation to your calendar. Others can then see you as available for another meeting, and it won't conflict with any existing meetings during that time.
    • Please Note: Verify the times listed for the reservation.  Screenshot of an Outlook calendar entry showing the free and busy setting
  2. The second hyperlink option available on the "Reservation Confirmation" page is the "Edit this reservation" link.  Please review the Editing or Canceling an EMS Reservation document for details about how to edit or cancel an existing reservation.     

KeywordsEMS, reserve, reserving, rsvp, room, conference room, workspace, work station, reservation   Doc ID116359
OwnerJenee J.GroupFacilities Planning & Management
Created2022-01-28 13:58:10Updated2024-02-28 11:02:44
SitesFacilities Planning & Management
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