Topics Map > Space Management
INSITE Inventory Methods Definitions
Inventory method terms and definitions used when collecting and/or updating attributes in INSITE.
The table below defines inventory methods and how/when they are used when updating room attributes in INSITE.
Method | Used For: | Notes |
Allocation | Space Remodeling and Policy Committee (SRPC) approved assignments or Space Management Office (SMO) sanctioned assignments that precede formal SRPC approval. | |
CAD Upload | Data that originates from CAD plan provided by internal and/or external architects and engineers. SMO's first, best guess from CAD label info. |
Used for a new facility or a remodeled area. |
F&A Audit | Facilities & Administration Audit. Applied to every space included in the F&A Audit survey even if the space data was not changed during the survey. |
Relocation | Updates resulting from moves within a school's, college's, or division's existing space that do not require an allocation of new space. | |
Review | Data maintenance, survey prep, quality assurance. | |
Space Survey | General space surveys. Applied to every space included in a survey even if the space data was not changed during the survey. |
Upload | Batch data provided by a department and/or lease facility; typically, via spreadsheet and not data from CAD plan. | Was also used for original migration (2011) from Tririga to INSITE. |
Walk | Updates based on SMO staff walking through the space. Applied to every space included in a walk even if the space data was not changed based on the walk. |
Newly proposed on 2022-07-06 revision draft. |