Weeks Copiers - Printing

Information on how to setup and configure the Geoscience Weeks Hall Copiers/Printers.
The copiers are named weeks_copier1 and weeks_copier2. They are basically identical (minor differences in stapling capabilities) and both allow for color printing and copying.

You need to be connected to the Geoscience wireless network or the Geoscience ethernet wired network in order to complete the installation and print.

macOS Installation

Click the button below to download a zip file containing an installer package. Run the installer named weeks-copiers-macos-1.4.pkg. The package will automatically download the driver files, then install the two copiers as Weeks Copier 1, and Weeks Copier 2. No further configuration is needed.

Printer Installer 

Windows Installation

Coming soon...


Keywordscopier, printing, weeks_copier1, weeks_copier2, print   Doc ID116730
OwnerJoshua B.GroupDepartment of Geoscience
Created2022-02-14 13:39:40Updated2024-04-03 11:54:48
SitesDepartment of Geoscience
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