L&S Fund Management: Project Numbers

Quick overview of project numbers

Project Number = The seven character alpha-numeric code that identifies the spending account.

This is part of the funding string: FUND | DEPT | PROJECT | PROGRAM | ACCOUNT CODE

101 - A480200 - PRJ34ZV- 2 - 3100

The project number identifies the spending account where expenses will be posted.  Projects consist of: budget, expenses, balance and duration.  

Finding a Project Balance in WISER

To find a project in WISER, use the Find Awards/Projects search.

Fund Type Current Balance Location


Total Balance


Current Fund Balance


Total Including F&A


History of Project Numbers

Projects keep their originally assigned number and existing project numbers are not changed when the naming convention changes.  Prior to our current Shared Financial System (SFS), project numbers were only four characters.  To meet the criteria of the new system, pre-2008 projects had the three-digit fund number added to the front of the project number creating a new seven character project number.

Project Number Example Years Active Description
AAA1234 2015 - current Current Project naming convention: three letters + four digits.  This format began May 13, 2015.
PRJ01AB 2008 - 2015 PRJ + two numbers and two letters.  This format was adopted in January 2008 and used until May 2015.

1995 - 2008

Pre-SFS naming convention: three digit fund number + two letters and two numbers. 
144A123 1974 - 1995 Pre-SFS naming convention: three digit fund number + one letter and three numbers.

prior to 1974

Oldest format in our current system: three digit fund number + four digits.

As projects close, fewer of the older project numbers will remain.  Since 233- and 161- projects seldom have end dates, these funds will display more of the older project number formats than other funds.


KeywordsPRJ, funding string, account code, account number   Doc ID58412
OwnerKesha W.GroupL&S KB
Created2015-11-23 11:50:10Updated2023-07-06 06:25:45
SitesL&S KB
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