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COVID-19 Doctoral Time Limit Extension

Current Graduate School policy on time limits states that a candidate for a doctoral degree who fails to take the final oral examination and deposit the dissertation within 5 years after passing the preliminary examination may be required to take another preliminary examination and to be admitted to candidacy a second time.

To offer flexibility amidst the major disruption that COVID-19 may have had on doctoral candidates’ research and scholarship progress, students who achieved dissertator status by the end of the 2020 summer term have automatically had the 5 year time limit extended by 8 months. Dissertators given this 8 month extension who need more time due to continued COVID related disruption to their progress may request a further extension from the Graduate School.  Decisions to extend the deadline beyond the additional 8 months are made on a case-by-case basis upon request of the student and their advisor.  Students requesting an extension need to submit the request, along with a letter of support from their advisor, to

Flexibility on program-specific time limits: Students also face program-specific time limits, and the Graduate School encourages programs to be flexible on these time limits during these difficult times for the students.

KeywordsCOVID-19 Doctoral Time Limit Extension   Doc ID100347
OwnerKipp C.GroupGraduate School
Created2020-04-09 10:41:27Updated2022-11-01 09:47:17
SitesGraduate School
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