Topics Map > Graduate Student Tracking System
Topics Map > Degree Completion
List of Milestones used in Graduate Education
Within graduate education, milestones are generally used for the tracking of non-coursework related requirements for degree completion. We identify two different types or categories of milestones: Graduate School Milestones and Program Milestones . They differ based on who has access to add the milestones to students records.
Graduate School Milestones - only the Graduate School has access to these milestones, and is responsible for adding them to students records.
Program Milestones - graduate programs have access to these milestones and are responsible for adding them to student records as they see fit.
In the table(s) below you find details about each of the milestones:
Milestone Category
Milestone Name
Milestone Level
Number of Levels
Description of Milestone
Graduate School Milestone
Dissertator Status
N/A |
Graduate School staff added this milestone up until the spring of 2024 when it was discontinued. This milestone indicates the student has completed all requirements toward the degree, including passing the preliminary exam(s), except for writing and defending the dissertation. This milestone was added when the Grad School received the signed prelim warrant.
Graduate School: Dissertator Status - UW-Madison Policy Library ( |
Graduate School Milestone
PhD Coursework Completed
Graduate School staff added this milestone up until the spring of 2023 when it was discontinued. This milestone indicates that all non-research coursework was completed. Graduate School: Dissertator Status - UW-Madison Policy Library ( |
Graduate School Milestone
Breath Requirement Completed
N/A |
Graduate School staff added this milestone up until the spring of 2023 when it was discontinued. This milestone indicates the student has met the program’s breadth requirement. This milestone was added when the Grad School received the signed prelim warrant showing the breadth requirement has been completed.
Graduate School: Breadth Requirement in Doctoral Training - UW-Madison Policy Library ( |
Graduate School Milestone
Preliminary Exam Completed
N/A |
Graduate School staff add this milestone, which indicates the student has passed all required preliminary examinations. This milestone is added when the signed prelim warrant is received by the Grad School.
Link to related policy ( |
Milestone Category
Milestone Name
Milestone Level
Number of Levels
Description of Milestone
Program Milestone
Preliminary |
15 levels total
5 (Master's specific levels)
5 (Qualifying specific levels)
5 (Preliminary specific levels)
These milestones can be used by programs to track completion of exams that are not specifically tied to the completion of a course. For example: preliminary exams, qualifying exams, master's exams, etc. These milestones can also be used for tracking other non-coursework requirements.
Program Milestone
Annual Meeting
36 levels total
These milestones can be used by programs to track completion of required meetings. They can include advising meetings, committee meetings, etc. These milestones can also be used for tracking other non-coursework requirements.
Program Milestone
Research Paper/Thesis
5 levels total
These milestones can be used by programs to track completion of required papers or writing. Some examples include required research papers or publications, master's thesis, or dissertation proposals. These milestones can also be used for tracking other non-coursework requirements.
Program Milestone
Professional Development
5 levels total
These milestones can be used by programs to track completion of professional development activities. These may include workshops, conferences, internships/co-ops, professional portfolios, Individual Development Plans (IDPs), etc. These milestones can also be used for tracking other non-coursework requirements.
Program Milestone
5 levels total
These milestones can be used by programs to track completion of projects. These milestones can also be used for tracking other non-coursework requirements.
Program Milestone
Teaching Requirement
5 levels total
These milestones can be used by programs to track completion of teaching requirements. Some examples may include TA-ing a course, a teaching workshop/Delta workshop, etc. These milestones can also be used for tracking other non-coursework requirements.